Y/N: This bell is going to be strapped to my hip. Your goal is to get it from me, by any means necessary. You have until sundown. Good luck, little sister.

     Ruby stared at her brother as he used his semblance and he slowly decenigrated. Then it finally hit her like a 1000 punches from a furious Yang.

Ruby: How am I supposed to find him in this entire forest?!

     It had been 3 hours since Ruby began looking for her brother, oblivious to the pair of silver and purple eyes watching her.

Ruby: Ahhhhh, this is impossible! My first day training and I'm stuck wandering the forest.

     Ruby was caught in her moment of sulking and failed to block an attack from the back.

Y/N: Clock is ticking, Ruby. You got 30 minutes left and I'm right here.

     Using her semblance, Ruby ran behind her brother. Throwing her fist at his back, it went right through him. He turned around and grabbed her wrist.

Y/N: Gotta do better if you want this bell.

     Reaching her other arm out, she attempted to snatch the bell. Y/N moved out of her reach and flashed through the handseals for Wind Style: Great Breakthrough. Blowing a small amount of air out, Ruby was blown away and almost smacked into a tree.

Ruby: W-What was that?!

Y/N: It is known as ninjutsu Ruby. After you either get this bell or fail, I'll explain more.

     Ruby once again used her speed and charged at Y/N. Anticipating the attack, Y/N got into a fighting stance. She dashed past him, suprising the ninja. No second later, a clone joined from the trees, holding a timer. It was at 0.

Y/N: Good job Ruby. However.

     Y/N opened his hand to reveal he still had the bell. Disappointment covered the reaper's face.

Y/N: You failed. Don't worry, you'll get another chance. Let's head back to the clearing to get our things, we'll continue this tomorrow.

Ruby: Hmph, alright.

     Y/N entered his hotel room, put his gear away and hung up his cloak. He pulled out Cross' scrolls and continued where he left off. He stopped once something interesting caught his eye. It was that same seal again, from Cross' room, but smaller. Releasing the seal, a paragraph of writing appeared. Y/N assumed it was just some more info, but no. It was actually a letter directed towards him.

Dear Y/N Rose,

     If you are reading this, I am most likely dead. If you are not Y/N, stop reading or else I will make your life a living hell from the afterlife. Anyway, if it really is you, partner. Well, since your reading this, I'm assuming I probably gave my abyssal eyes to you. Use em wisely. I wanted to tell you this, but probably didn't because well, I'm dead. Madara is going to want your newly acquired eyes, assuming I did indeed give you my eyes. Don't let him get them. If he does, the entire world is completely and utterly fucked. The reason he hasn't taken Sotan's was because she is more powerful than him. Also, worth meaning that I recently discovered that Orochimaru is dead. He was killed by Itachi's little brother. If I was correct, Orochimaru's subordinate, Kabuto is working with Madara and Sotan. Again, I may be wrong. Also, don't stray from your path, don't die like me. Knowing myself, I probably died in a very stupid way. Also, since the eyes you were given are most likely from me, you indeed have access to stage 2 abyssal eyes. They are known as the dakuabisu eyes. However, you must reawaken it for yourself. Goodluck, kid.

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