Chapter five,

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Guinevere walked straight to where the dragons were with Arthur and Lancelot near the old stables. For a moment she wished she had magic of her own. All it would take for the old structures to fall was a little rumble of the earth under their feet. They would be buried in an instant.

Her eyes moved away from the old building to the men. They were drawing on the dirt, using candles to lit up the map on the ground.

"What is that?" Guinevere asked and just as soon as she spoke, silence fell among the men.

Lancelot quickly used his foot to erase the map on the ground all the while, his taunting eyes settled in hers.

Guinevere kept her regal posture and decided that Lancelot could die a tortuous death later. For now, she needed to remind Arthur that she was the Alpha. Her eyes moved quickly to the king before she cast them down to the dirt once more.

"You shouldn't bother with our settlement, your majesty," it was then that she lifted her eyes once more and looked at Arthur under her long eyelashes. "The pack protects it very well on its own," she added, a smile following her words.

"Is that why most of your wolves are dead?" Lancelot asked prompting Guinevere to direct her enraged gaze at him. He looked smug and ready to crush her under the weight of his words. "How many have you lost this last month alone? It seems that the rogue Dragons and the vampires have had really good meals out of them."

"Shouldn't you be more concerned with the rogue dragons that escaped your Camelot? What could they have witnessed to rebel in the way they did?" she asked clasping her hands before she would reach for her dagger and stab him.

"I wouldn't point fingers at our king, your majesty," Lancelot told Guinevere taking a step closer to her. The words sounded strange to her. She was sure the knights would all blame themselves rather than blame the king. At least the way Merlin always spoke about them, it felt as if they would trade their lives in order to protect Arthur rather than criticize him. "After all, he's also your lord. Wouldn't people find it shocking? A queen who doesn't trust her king."

Guinevere wanted to scream at Lancelot, after all, it was he who doubted the king, she'd not mentioned Arthur, but asked him directly. She didn't know that she'd taken a step forward when a heavy hand landed on her shoulder.

"That's enough now, Lance," Arthur said lazily before letting go of Guinevere. "Go on, make sure that whatever instructions the queen has given her people are also followed by your dragons."

"Arthur," Lancelot said looking at him.

"The King gave you an order," Guinevere said in a stern and quite smug tone, watching the back of Lancelot before he turned sharply to look at her.

She could see the hatred in his eyes, which in turn made a small smile appear on her face while he walked away. Yes, she would take her time with him, and kill him slowly.

"You shouldn't push his buttons that way," Arthur said running a hand through his dark locks.

"I'm not afraid of him."

"Let's go for a walk," Arthur said offering his hand to her.

"I have things to do," Guinevere replied before Arthur reached for her wrist and pulled her closer to him.

Her back hit his chest, while his arms wrapped around her. A soft sigh escaped his lips tickling her neck making her body stiffen. Guinevere's eyes darted around, panic rolling in her stomach before Arthur loosened his grip and took her hand in his.

"I promised Merlin that I wouldn't hurt you," he said with guarded eyes, the moment she turned to looked at him. "I just want to talk."

Guinevere tried to pull her hand away, but the moment she tried, Arthur held on tighter.

The Disappearance of Camelot, #.05, Stories from the Veil seriesWhere stories live. Discover now