41 - Gas station

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(Y/n POV)
The whole group and I got out of the building, And started walking to the van. Axel, And the tough man started to take the blue racket off of the van. "Alright. Let's go, Everyone." Kali said, Getting in the van. We all nodded, And went inside the van. We then started driving off. The music then turned on. That caused El, Kali, And I To start dancing. I was already having a great time. So did El. We then made it to a little place. "What is this place?" I questioned, Kali. "This is the gas station." She said. "What are we doing here?" El questioned. "We're All stocking up." Kali said. That confused El and I. 'What does stock up mean?' I thought. I then got out of the van, And started following Kali, And the others. We then went inside, And there was a ton of stuff! A lot of food mostly. "Hey, Sir. Your bathroom is flooding." Kali said, Pointing to the bathroom. "Oh no!" The men said, Getting inside the bathroom, Without slipping. "Alright, Everyone! Time to get whatever you all want!" Axel yelled, Happily. I smiled, And walked pass many things I didn't really want. I then saw something that caught my eye. 'F/f!' I thought. I went up to my f/f, And got a ton that I can. "Hey! Put that down, You freak!" I heard. I walked slowly away from my f/f, And saw the man painting a gun,Towards Axel. Kali tried to calm the men down. But it didn't work. I started to get mad, And quickly ran up to the man, Making him go to the ceiling roughly, Then falling to the ground. "Woah! How'd you do that?!" Axel yelled, In surprise. El also looked surprised, Including Kali. I looked at Axel, And wiped the blood off my nose. "Powers" I said. Till suddenly I heard noises that I didn't know. "Come on, Let's go! The cops are coming!" Kali yelled. We all nodded, And ran towards the exit. We all got in the car, And started driving away. "Alright. Now Y/n, Tell me if you recognize any of these bad people, So we can go after them." Kali said, Handing me a bunch of pictures, Of the bad people. I looked, And none of them looked familiar to me. Except for one. It was that same man who hurt my momma, Without no regret. "That's Bertram." Khali said. "Do you know how to get to him? With your mind?" Khali questioned me. I nodded. "Yes." Was all I said, Starting to get mad. "Okay. Can you try to find him?" She questioned. "Yes. I can find him." I said. Closing my eyes so I can concentrate. I immediately found him. I opened my eyes, And looked at Khali. "Where is he." "He's at (location/Sorry I don't know.)" I said. "He's alone." "Okay, Let's head there!" Khali said.
(Time skip)
We made it, And got out of the van. We started walking to the apartment where Bertram was. Khali gave me (mask of choice). I put the mask on, And continued walking. We then made it. I tried to open the door, But it was locked. El used her powers to unlock the door, From the other side. She slowly opened the door, And we walked in. That's when I saw Bertram. I started to get angry. That's when he noticed us, And quickly leaned back in his seat. "Where's the money, And the other stuff?" Axel said. "Upstairs." Bertram said. He nodded, And walked upstairs. Khali, El, And I walked in front up Bertram. "Do you remember any of us, Bertram?" Khali questioned, Taking off her mask. She looked at El and I, And signaled us to take off our mask as well. We both nodded, And took off our mask. He slowly nodded no. Khali nodded, And made the lights flicker off. The lights than turned on, Showing is as little kids. I looked at myself, Noticing how short I was. "Do you remember us now?" Khali said, Making us turn back to our normal age. Khali than hit Bertram in the face. She then looked at me, And nodded. I nodded back at her. I then walked closely to Bertram, With a mad look. "You were the one who hurt my mama!" I said, Making him flicker off of his couch, Roughly. He hit his head on the floor badly, Which caused him to bleed. "I'm sorry! I had no choice at all! Please don't hurt me at all!" He pleaded. I walked up to him. "You had a choice. But that choice made my sister mad at you." Khali said, Looking at me. "Please! I can take you to him, So you can have revenge!" He said, Still pleading. I started to cry, After remembering his death. "Papa is now dead. Dead." I said. "No! No! He is alive." He said. "You better not be lying to my sister!" El said, Getting mad. "I'm not lying! I'm not!" He said. "Like I said. Papa is dead!" I yelled, Making heavy objects float above him. "No!" He yelled. El looked at me. "Do it Y/n! Do it!" Khali said. I started to get even more mad, That I made the couch he was sitting on, Hit him badly. He started bleeding even more. I started to cry a bit, But I was still mad. I then saw a picture of him, With two girls. That made me stop what I was doing. People are here! "What are you doing, Y/n?! Get him!" Khali yelled at me. I looked at her. El started to get scared. We then saw Axel rum towards us. "We have to leave now! There's kids here!" Axel said. "No! We have to finish this first! Y/n, Now!" Khali yelled at me. I just stood still. That's when Khali got out a gun, And pointed it to the man. "No!" He yelled. I made the gun get thrown out of the window. Khali looked shocked at me. I looked at her, And started following the other group, Out to the van. Khali followed, Being disappointed.

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