Woman Trouble part 2, The Kind Nurse

Start from the beginning

They all stared in surprise at her.

"Why?" Joanna asked softly.

"Because Miyuki-san forgot Sensei's orders a patient was put in danger it seems," Serenity answered. "I don't believe, but Sensei said when he gave the order, Miyuki-san was with a someone in the nurse center, so she forgot."

The three teens looked at each other in shock before Joanna placed the flowers in Yugi's arms and took off running.

"I'll be right back!" She called out as Yugi followed the blonde.

...My Line...

It didn't Yugi long to catch up to the other teen outside of a door.

"What is it?" a male voice asked as Joanna opened the door.

"You bastard!" Joanna growled. "You fired Miyuki-san because she turned you down. What's the meaning of this?"

"What?" the man asked. "How silly. She made a mistake. This is how we deal with it."

"Shut up!" Joanna yelled. "If that were true then you should have been fired the moment that golfing became more important to you then your patients' lives."

"Besides, when Miyuki-san and I were at the nurse center you didn't give any order!" Joanna added. "I'm a witness! I'll expose everything! Including the part where you were hitting on Miyuki-san!"

"Then your little Sister might no longer be in this hospital," the Doctor informed the blonde.

'What?' both teens thought.

"Even if what you say puts me in a bad spot I can get rid of a patient still," he stated.


"Your little Sister is still under observation," the Doctor told him. "This examination is best with this hospital's latest equipment. Too bad. What'll you do? Do you want this hospital to keep treating your little Sister? You decide."

"Joanna!" the tri-colored boy called out as the blonde walked to the door before she turned back to glare at the Doctor. "I don't take threats to my friends very well, so you better watch your back." She walked towards the doors before stopping. "Cause believe me the moment that my aunt finds out about this, you can kiss your job goodbye."

Joanna then slammed the door behind her.

...My Line...

"Joanna-chan!" Yugi called out as the two teens ran out of the hospital.


...My Line...

The sun was setting when they reached the beach where Joanna punched a tree.

"Yugi...I...I...I have to keep my mouth shut," Joanna stated.



'She can't say anything...' Yugi thought. 'Joanna-chan is suffering...yet he can't say anything.' Joanna's eyes widen as Yugi gasped when they noticed something strange. 'Joanna-chan is crying?'

Just then the puzzle glowed as Yami took Yugi's place which took the young blonde by surprise.

'Yami?' she thought as she stared at him.

He turned around and walked back towards the hospital as Joanna looked back at the blonde for a while longer before running after the darker Yugi.

...My Line...

"Yami!" she called out.

The young male stopped, turned around, and looked at her as she came to a stop in front him.

"Joanna?" he asked.

She gave him a small smile before peaking him on his cheek making Yami to blush.

"Make that bastard pay," she told him when she moved back.

"Right," he agreed as she gave him a grin.

"Have fun!" she called out as she run back the way she came.

Yami cackled in amusement before turning back towards the hospital.

...My Line...

The next day, the doctor was exposed for his true attitude toward his patients and with him acting like a mental lunatic, and the proof of his confession over the phone recorded by Yami, the Court would have a strong case against the head doctor. And with his record, he wouldn't be working in medicine for a long time. As for Miyuki, it turns out she was leaving because she didn't want to put up with her old sensei and decided to help another, more kinder sensei on an island near Japan.

"Serenity!" Joanna was heard as she opened the door along with her Aunt Aoi. "Auntie and I brought cake!"

She gained a surprised face when the others all unleashed the confetti.

"Congratulations on your appearance!" they all yelled.


"It was a splendid defeat," Tea stated with a smile.

"It's too bad."

"Joanna-chan, in times like this it's best to go through it with everyone, right?"

"You guys!"

"Sis. Everyone was worried about you, Sis."

"That's right, Joanna," Tristan agreed. "I greatly understand how you feel. You can cry. Here on this beautification member's chest!"

"Tristan...not on your life!" The young blonde yelled before she let out a sigh before shaking her head.

"Oh, Joanna! I almost forgot. This came in to me. Said it was for you sis." Serenity said holding out a letter.

Joanna opened it and quietly read it.

'Joanna, Sorry I wasn't honest with you went I was leaving the hospital, but I'm sure any woman would if they were being harassed by someone like Sensei. I wish to see you again sometime dearie. Oh, and before I forget; your sister told me that you love Duel Monsters, so I'm giving you the only card I have that inspired me to be a nurse. I think it can help you more. Miyuki.'

Joanna looked to find a Duel card in the envelope and smiled at the card that was there.

Angel Nurse.

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