Submition form

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Please submit the book you wish to enter here:

Please submit on the form




-Mature (Yes/No):

-LGBTQ+ (Yes/No):


-Tags (at least 5):

Here are the genres you could enter:

-Adventure (FULL)

-Chiclit (FULL)

- Romance (FULL)

- Fantasy (FULL)

- Fan fiction (FULL)

- Science fiction (FULL)

-Teen fiction (FULL)

- General Fiction (FULL)

-Humor (FULL)

- Horror/Paranormal (FULL)

- Mystery/ Thriller (FULL)

- Poetry (FULL)

- Short Story (FULL)

- Vampire

- Werewolf (FULL)

If you submitted and didn't see your name in the entries in the next 48 hours please pm me

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