10. Imeeshi

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He didn't come back. It made me feel unimportant despite being relieved. The guards still patrolled and the front door was fixed. But not my bedroom door.

One guard was near my windows. While another had the sole duty to bring me food and ask at regular intervals if I needed something else.

I did not enjoy his blank expression when I answered him, "Yes, I need you and your parade to vacate my premises because the king is gone and therefore the show is over."

He simply turned with a soft "Thank you."

Now, how did you plan an escape from this sort of prison, I mean protection?

The memory of the pretty lady and king panting on his bed returned vividly. I completely forgot about that traitorous vision. Sharp anger dissipated any feeling of earlier hurt from my heart. And the determination to flee away returned tenfold.

These brutes might be lacking in mind. That was my assumption in order to begin my plan of action.

There were four guards at present. Two at the front door, one at my bedroom window, and the remaining one was patrolling at a distance. He was the one to look out for.

I got up and dumped the clothes out of my escape bag onto the bed. The heavy coin bag was stashed in the hidden compartment and I silently took it out and tied the long strings around my neck.

Keeping my steps light, I went to my bathroom, locked it, and freshened up. The small window beckoned me. It would be a tight squeeze but I would make do.

First, I looked out the slightly higher window. Then I took a deep breath and slid it open. Squeezing my upper body was easy enough. It was the lower one which was wider and heavier.

I gripped the raised edge of the roof with both hands and pushed my lower body slowly. My breath heaved and I got stuck mid-thigh. Feeling defeated, I looked around and saw tall trees in the darkness of the night. I pulled myself back.

I angled myself to the right and tried again. This time I managed to pull my body through and I was dangling in the air.

Had I mentioned that I sucked at arm strength? No? Well, I was in danger of falling down any minute now. My arms were already shivering. I steadied myself with a deep breath and managed to haul myself up.

Immediately, I crouched down and crawled to the front of my house and looked down.

Two guards were standing alert. I hid immediately when I saw a guard patrolling at a distance.

I crawled to the right and calculated the distance of the jump between me and the branch. Fortunately, the branch was thick. It would hold my weight. But the guard would easily detect me if I dangled for long.

The distant guard was leaning against the tree. I had to wait for him to turn his back.

After waiting for a good seven minutes, I went back to calculating the distance between me and the tree. It was just an excuse now. I almost felt like I was getting caught as soon as I jumped.

Keeping the doubts aside, I stood taller and saw the guard walking to the other side, his back to me. I straightened and jumped.

I panted and pulled myself up for the second time.

I quickly stood up and balanced. Balancing was the only thing I was good at. Sure feet seconded. I hugged the thick trunk of the tree and stepped on the opposite side of the branch.

Walking quickly, I anticipated the pain I would be in after falling on the ground. I opened the knot of the coin bag and clutched it firmly so that it didn't make too much noise. I jumped and mercifully landed smoothly on the ground without any jarring impact on my knees.

I looked around and saw the guards were now thirty feet away from me. I ran silently until houses came into view. The streets were not very crowded. I made my way to the more populated part of the town.

The famous street close to my treasury came into view and sure enough, people were buzzing around without a care in the world. Engrossed in the glint of antiques as I would have but I had other more pressing matters today.

My food guard would stop at any time to bring me dinner and when he wouldn't get any answer, all hell would break loose. Before any of that happened, my plan was to get as far away from this town as possible.

After fifteen minutes of strenuous walking on my part, I reached Aircab station. Six silver coins lighter, I looked out of the window and saw the blur of passing trees.

The adrenaline had passed away leaving behind a heavy heart and an uncertain future. Running away was a journey, not a destination.

After living a stable life for about well, since birth, this beginning of excitement was as unplanned as the sudden appearance of the king in my life.

The implication of being a future queen had yet to take root in my brain. Another worry about what the king might be doing right now was also pulsating at the back of my head.

Too many worries for a confused me. But where my next stop would be was more important for my survival right now. I took the ticket to the neighboring province Neweresk and in an hour or so, I would be there with four thousand and ninety-three coins and a whole lot of amenities to purchase.

I looked at the peaceful blue moon of Ohnah and prayed that I could purchase enough time for myself until I could get my mind and heart used to the brand new future waiting ahead.  


The next morning, I roused due to my stiff body. The soft mattress didn't provide enough stability for my spine to rest on. Still, it was better than nothing.

Last night was hectic. After reaching Neweresk, I further took the local Aircab to the underground meditation quarters. Never in my life, I would have thought I would be here for any whatsoever reason. But it was the safest option by far.

The rented lodge would have been the obvious choice but obvious in getting caught as well. This, however, would give me enough privacy. Meditative people did not like to be disturbed.

No interruption was the whole purpose of these quarters. It had an inbuilt cooking area and a stocked fridge. I was okay for a few days.

The next stop was valley meditation caves. If the king took notice of the pattern of my escape, he might think I was running away from him because I was celibate. Let him think that. I simply didn't care.


I was wrong!

Treasury was not depressing at all but this silence was. Why did I get myself into situations like these?  

Two days! I spent two days in this void. The sound of my breathing should have relieved me that I was alive. Instead, it made me question, "Was I really alive?"

So I took a very immature, boredom-induced decision. I took my little bag of one change of clothes and chose the sitting duck mission, the rental lodge, and settled myself in.

While I was deciding where to stay, I came across another treasury. I briefly thought to go inside and apply for a job. I had a good experience being a mute assistant. But it didn't feel right.

Now that the night had fallen, I was back to dreading the outcome of my decision. It was too easy to track me now. But my worry succumbed to the insistence of sleep and I slept like a newborn dreaming about the handsome king and his deep voice.

It was a pleasant dream which made me smile and teased me to go back to him.


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