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"Juliet!" Maya ran over to the said girl, as soon as she walked out of her fourth class of the day

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"Juliet!" Maya ran over to the said girl, as soon as she walked out of her fourth class of the day. Aniya who was walking beside her frowned seeing the energetic Junior she heard so much about.

She didn't have the same energy as her and preferred to not find herself ever being in the same circle. Also, she knew Maya was cousins with one of the boys, that went from zero to a hundred real quick.

"I-Uh, I'll see you later Juliet" Aniya said quickly as she went to walk away, but Juliet frowned grabbing her wrist

"Wait, but I said we'd spend lunch together, I'm not backing out on my words" Aniya smiled at her and nudged her head

"Well not sure if Cruz would want me, she hangs with the guys, and I rather not be around them"

"Which guys?" Juliet asked raising her eyebrow, and it was like on cue, the group, the pack, were already walking together.

Juliet looked over following Aniya's gaze, and she swore she was inside a teen drama, where the 'popular' kids walk the halls, and everyone spreads away for them to walk through.

"Okay, that is so damn cliché" Juliet whispered but went heard by the boys so clearly, that it caused a few chuckles. She shook her head turning back to her friend," Let's just head to the lunchroom, and eat, I'm starving, and if I was living inside a cheesy-cliché movie, I rather have a full stomach"

"Hey, Maya!" Juliet called to the small girl, as she stopped looking around, and smiled running to her

"Oh thank god! Oh, Hi, your Aniya Majorie, right?" Juliet hid a small smile at the baffled look on her friend, she still had the insecurity of people not being able to say her name right, despite it not being as complicated Aniya made it.

"I-Uh yeah, that's my name, and your Maya Cruz" She said awkwardly, looking at Juliet to save her from her nervousness, and Juliet seemed to read it well

"Right-Aniya and I go way back, and I was wondering if it was okay if you didn't mind she joined us for lunch"

Maya grinned and nodded," That'd be great! The more the merrier" The one thing about Maya was that she was pretty forceful not that she was aware of but it was one habit she had that tended to make other people not sure how to say 'no' to her.

She had already been dragging the pair of them to the lunchroom, much to Aniya's silent protest and quiet apologies from Juliet. Whereas Maya was just talking about the most random things that the two females had no clue what she was on about but didn't have the nerve to tell her.

What shocked Aniya, was that Maya had brought them to a whole different table farther away from the boys," Don't you usually eat with them?" She asked not pointing anywhere in particular, since she assumed Maya would know what she meant.

She turned to her cousin and the boys and frowned," Well, yeah but I'm sort of arguing with one of them at the moment" Maya shook her head and turned to the girls but Juliet noticed one of the boys flinch like he had heard what Maya said.

✓ | UNUSUAL, embry callWhere stories live. Discover now