Part 6 - Her dream

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"Dad you promised me."-  Ana spoke.

"Ana, I didn't know you are into this. What's the need huh ? What did she fill your head with ? That women ..."

Ana cut him off in between - "Dad she is your mother. How can you speak like that?"

"So now you'll teach me how to talk? Ana, you are coming back and that's my decision."

"I am really sorry dad, for hurting you. But you are hurting the one who carried you for nine months and bore every pain just for you. Its a wrong decision to leave her alone and I am sorry I will never change my decision.
I hope you will understand someday before its too late." Ana spoke with tears in her eyes.

"Anaaaaa...! How dare you?

Ana just switched off her phone and sat down on the floor. She was sad and tears started flowing down. She was sad about her dad's reaction . How could someone be so hard towards his own mother. Its shocking and disgusting. She loved her dad a lot but this decision of his made Ana sad.
She was confused too. How could one be so angry with his own mom? Ana never understood her dad in this matter.
All she wanted was to support her grandma and make her happy.

One Sunday, Ana had gone out for grocery and Mrs. Sprikly taking this as an opportunity switched on the television to watch her favorite cooking show and she was enacting the chef. The way the chef talked and explained every detail of the recipe, Mrs. Sprikly enacted it. But Ana came home earlier that day and she observed all these through the window and couldn’t hold back her laughter.

"What are you up to grandma? -Ana spoke holding back her laughter.

"Umm ..err. How are you back home so early from the market?'

" Since there was a strike going on, there was less crowd in the market and I came back early luckily to see your talent of enacting the chef." - Ana laughed out loudly.

Mrs. Sprikly was embarrassed and fell silent.

Ana held Mrs. Sprikly's hands and spoke -" I am sorry grandma , if you are hurt please forgive me. I didn’t mean it. I apologize for my words."

Ana held her ears and started doing the sit-ups.

Mrs. Sprikly laughed at her tricks and held Ana's hands - "Stop being so childish Ana, there is nothing to be sorry for. Actually I love watching those shows and acting like them. After all it was my dream.

Mrs. Sprikly's biggest dream was to become a chef. She had kept this desire hidden for many years. When she got married to John , she tried new recipes which got featured in newspapers and John was a foodie, who loved to eat and give his opinions on the dish. He encouraged her to cook more. Once he gifted her a television as a birthday gift .She was on cloud nine that day. There used to be a handful of cooking shows those days and Mrs. Sprikly never missed to watch them. Then after 4 years she fell pregnant. The rest of her time was spent for Neil and she started drifting away from her cooking passion. She preferred to cook quick recipes. As Neil grew up, whenever she prepared something new , he would just discourage and Mrs. Sprikly's heart broke.

A small piece of appreciation is enough to build up confidence. Why is it so hard to appreciate? When it comes to mothers - we are so stingy in speaking with them. They work hard so much for their childrens but still they don't get the love and care they deserve. Let's make an effort to make them happy and speak a word of love every time they do something for us. Mothers are the most selfless human beings on the earth.
Hello readers,

How was the chapter? I literally missed my mother while typing out this chapter.

Mrs. Sprikly has a dream too. Let's see whether she will be able to fulfill it.

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