[13] ❝Visits❞

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Ever since Sans had been in the hospital, Dust has been visiting him everyday

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Ever since Sans had been in the hospital, Dust has been visiting him everyday. He would always arrive at exactly 8 a.m. in the morning, the time when the hospital started to allow visitors to visit the patients. He would stay there with Sans, tightly holding onto his phalanges as he talked about the weather, as well as some of the dreams that he has on the day before. He would only leave Sans when it was time for lunch, or if he needs to go to the restroom urgently.

Even though Sans is unconscious, during lunch, Dust would always purchase two plates of food. Some of the nurses had asked him, "Why do you purchase two plates of food, when he is unconscious and you're the only one eating?" His response is always the same.

"so that when he wakes up, he would be able to eat the food that i brought for him." Dust spoke in a dreamlike tone, which would usually let the nurses to reply something along the lines of, "what a sweetheart! your boyfriend is so lucky to have you!" Dust would then blush a light purple, before correcting them that Sans was only just a friend to him.

Just...a friend who he could trust...

Every time Dust visits Sans, he would also always remember to bring an Echo Flower to give to Sans. He remembered Sans telling him and Blue how much he loves Echo Flowers, how fascinating that Echo Flowers could be used to confess, as well as to prank others, of course. Red, being the more romantic one out of the two, would always give Sans a bouquet of Echo Flowers during their dates. The Echo Flowers would then repeat what Red has spoken to them, usually some mushy pick up line, like, "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you." or just a simple "I love you, babe." Sans would then blush a light blue, as both Dust and Blue cooed at how cute it was, before Sans kissed Red's cheek as a 'thank you'.

Dust sighed as he remembers the memory. He hoped that he could go back to the good old days, when he and Sans are still happy with their boyfriends, Blue and Red. How both of the couples would normally arrange double dates because of how close they are. How Blue smiled and laughed so cutely when Dust made a silly mistake or a joke. How both of them would cuddle with each other when they're watching the television.

Dust missed them.

Wiping off a tear that had secretly flowed out of his eye sockets while he was pondering, Dust approached towards Sans' ward, an Echo Flower in his phalanges.

"Good morning Mr Lavender," The nurse spoke as she saw Dust walking towards the ward. Dust, still not used to his new name, waved back quickly after realising the nurse was greeting him. Dust quietly sighed in relief when he realise that the nurse didn't caught onto anything. 'I better get used to the new name, before I get caught." Dust thought to himself, before he opened the door to Sans' ward, to see Sans lying there, peacefully. Dust smiled lightly, before he took a seat beside Sans. He placed the Echo Flower onto the vase of his bedside table, which are filled with Echo Flowers that he had brought to Sans since the first day he was in the hospital.

"hello, sans." He spoke, as he observed the ward to make sure that nobody is in the room with them. "how are you feeling? hopefully you are feeling better than me today, since you can take a nap for as long as you wanted." Dust laughed, with a bit of sadness as he wiped away a drop of tear. "the weather today looked beautiful, surprisingly. the sun wasn't shining so bright that I felt like dying; the clouds looked like cotton candy floating around the sky, and it was pretty windy." He held onto Sans' phalanges tightly.

"i had a pretty interesting dream last night, you wanna hear about it?" There was no response from Sans. "alright, lazybones. i would take that as a yes. so, yesterday i dreamed about us when we were happier... about me still together with blue, and you are still together with red..." Dust slowly stroked Sans' phalanges, feeling each and every piece of his bone. "you were so happy in that dream, laughing and blushing at red's ridiculous jokes, and i was so happy as well, kissing and cuddling with blue." Dust stopped for a moment, hearing the door open as a nurse went into Sans' ward, possibly to check his stats. He felt a tear dripping down his eye sockets, before a piece of tissue appeared into his vision. He grabbed the tissue, wiping his tears with it, as he heard the nurse asking him if he was alright.

"i'm alright. you don't have to worry about it, missy." Dust replied in a polite tone, after receiving a pat on the back by the nurse, before she had left. Dust sighed, before he held onto Sans' phalanges once again.

"sorry, i was being weak again. i hope you don't mind about it." Dust spoke as he weakly smiled, looking at the peaceful skeleton lying onto the hospital bed. "i just...... i just missed the old days, you know? i want to ask you something, sans. do you miss red like i miss blue?" There was no response from Sans, yet again. "well, whatever your answer is, i... i miss blue... i miss his hugs and cuddles... i miss whenever we watch the television together... whenever we cooked together... whether i need a listening ear, blue was always there... always there... for an idiot like me..." Dust spoke, as he teared up again, drops of tears dripping down from his eye sockets as he wiped them away with the same tissue.

"i wished......that none of this has happened in the first place... wouldn't that be great...... sans?"

Yes, I'm still alive

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Yes, I'm still alive. I'm not dead.

I'm sorry that I've been so inactive!! I was really busy lately, plus I was more focused on Discord, apologies! ;-;;

Soooo, I ended up writing this chapter because honestly, I was feeling left out in Discord (Just Like Canada :'D) because I don't play Pokémon and my friends were playing Pokémon sooo...

Soooo, I ended up writing this chapter because honestly, I was feeling left out in Discord (Just Like Canada :'D) because I don't play Pokémon and my friends were playing Pokémon sooo

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