chapter 30.

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It was harder than Rin thought: watching Lucas say goodbye to his friends one by one. Currently, the guy was consoling a crying Hyori, who was making him promise he'd visit her.

"Of course, I'll come visit you! I'll bring back tons of gifts!!" Lucas was comforting Hyori, who wouldn't let go of his shirt.

"I don't want gifts!! I want Uncle Yukhei to stay!!" the poor girl weeps, snot dripping out of her nose as she looks up at Lucas, tear-eyed.

Hyerin had to tear her daughter away from him. "C'mon, Hyori. Uncle Yukhei has to leave for work but he'll come visit you, okay?" she consoles.

Lucas kneels down to meet the little girl's gaze. "We can still video call, okay? I promise." He places a hand on his chest.

Hyori sniffs as she lets herself be taken away by her mother. "Okay." she finally gives in. Hyerin gives the others their space to say their own goodbyes to Lucas.

Both Chaeyoung and Jungwoo gave him a bear hug, and like Hyerin, made him swear to his mother that he'll keep in touch. Chaeyoung suggested him that they can visit him in Hong Kong if they have the time. Jungwoo reassured him not to worry about the job he left to take care of and promised he wouldn't let him down and do the best he can to fill in his shoes.

Lucas both chuckled at the two's antics, pulling them into a bone crushing hug.

Next was Mark, who had his 3rd episode of crying about Lucas leaving. He gave his best bro a tight hug while staining his friend's shirt with his snot.

"If you find another best friend, I'll kick you out of the group chat!" he threatens.

Lucas laughs at him, ruffling his hair. "As if I would replace you!" he comforts.

Mark just glares at him before going into another hug. Lucas pats his back amicably before turning lastly to Rin.

Rin was holding back her tears the entire time but when Lucas shot her that soft smile of his, she broke down.

"I'm with Mark, if you find another best friend, we'll kick you out of the group chat!" she sobs, tackling him into a tight hug.

"Fine, I'll guess I'll make a new group chat with my new friends!" he teases.

"Not funny!" Both Mark and Rin yell simultaneously. Lucas guffaws at the two and pulls them into a group hug.

"I'll never replace you two drunk heads." He chuckles.

Rin stares at him intently. She has a lot of emotions right now. Firstly, sad that's going but happy for him that he's able to go home while having his dream job.

Secondly, she feels guilty and remorseful about not being able to return his feelings for her. Of all the people he could've fallen far, it had to be with his best friend.

Rin never understood why he chose her, but it's what life planned out for them. "I hope you achieve all your dreams, Yukhei," she tells him from the bottom for her heart.

Lucas' eyes swim with emotions. He stares at her adoringly, cradling her face and pulling her into another hug.

"I lo—I'm gonna miss you, Rin." Lucas whispers into Rin's air. Before she could react, Lucas pulls away, giving her a pained smile.

Rin smiles back, pinching his cheeks teasingly. "Call us when you land, okay?" she reminds with a sniff.

Lucas hands her a tissue and nods. "I promise," he says.

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