The Morning Of

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My alarm goes off at 5:30 the next morning and I don't drag around, I hop out of bed immediately hitting the stop button. I grab my clothes for the day and head to my bathroom for my shower. I stand in front of the mirror and even in the rush of the excitement I see my scar and pause. I trace it with my finger before continuing to my shower. I take a quick shower and hop out getting dressed then brushing my teeth and hair. I then style my hair into a low messy bun and put an Adidas hat on it. I head downstairs to eat breakfast. I check the clock, it's 6:17, and I see that my mom has gotten up early to send me off. "Good morning momma" I say grabbing two pieces of bread. "Good morning" she says sipping her coffee. She's sitting down reading the newspaper. I throw my bread in the toaster and grab the strawberry jam out of the fridge. The toast pops up as I walk back over. I spread the jam across my toast and listen to the silence of the morning. I sit at the counter on a barstool next to my mom. "Whatcha reading about?" I ask. "Just reading through the comics" she chuckles. My mom has always been a kid at heart. I take a few bites of my toast. "Anything good?" I ask wiping my face with a napkin. She stands and heads over to the fridge "The Garfield comic is pretty good." She pours a glass of milk and carries it back with her. She places the milk in front of me before sitting down. I read the comic while finishing off my first piece of toast. "Yeah that one is pretty good mom." I sip some of my milk. She pics up the paper again. Now she's coupon searching. I finish my second slice and my milk in a hurry, nervous about being late. "I'm gonna head out. Bye mom I love you." I say while slipping on my Adidas shoes. "Bye sweetie love you too. Let me know how it goes!" She calls as I walk out of the house to my car.

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