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Intro begins.

In the land of the UF there is a city that where the President is looking at its beauty. He looks at the citizens of the United Federation and how much they have achieved and sacrifice to get here. Then turn back to his desk as he sits down to do his presidential duties.

He then looks at the picture of his son in his military dress uniform, along with a red hair female bull faunus who was close to him. Wearing a similar dress uniform but for a female. He smiles as he returns to work.

Next the scene changes to UF forces engaging the white fang forces and achieving victory. Then it also shows the UF Soldiers wining the hearts and minds of many civilians. As well giving humanitarian aid.

Over the skies the United Federation Navy is doing their patrols. To protect their nation as a Griffin is flying to the island. It's destroyed by the frigate's energy weapon.

Then it shows the reactions of the kingdoms to the UF and how strong they are. Meanwhile for the headmaster he looks on with intrigue. For a certain few they are seen as threats.

Lastly it shows a young man clad in high tech military armor with his weapons. Behind him are the UF soldiers and other war vehicles as they see the Grimm and White fang and others. They charge in guns blazing as the screen cuts to the UF flag flying over with the sun shining through it.

Intro ends

At one of the UF Marines Bases stationed near the sea. Year 2455, at 12 am

A young leader by the name of Y/n L/n is currently reading The Art of War. A very handy book that has been in used by many in the UF military and businesses to this day. Y/n is 20 years old and made a Lieutenant Commander of the 21st Eagle Company. He is the son of F/n L/n who is the president of the Nation, as for his mother is the first lady. Normally some would say why is the president's son serving the military. The answer is simple, Y/n wants to protect his home and people.

As during his time in school he has learn the dangers of Grimm. Though he knew that there are things more dangerous than Grimm, are people and since the United Federation has successfully not been seen or discovered by the other kingdoms. It'll not last long, and when they are found they need to be ready. He has read a few reports he was able to read about the White fang and Atlas.

Y/n doesn't like either of them. For in his view the white fang became what they despise worse and Atlas for being a disgrace to what a real military are. The so call "powerful" military has many multiple flaws with its system and how they act. Which makes you think that they are trying to recompesate for something.

Which another problem will rise when they are found. No doubt many people of the different kingdoms will try to go to the UF territory which will have spies or worse trying to get in and get vital Intel or cause damage.

There lies in the third problem. When they show themselves and when they see how advance they are. They would want to try and get the technology especially the military type.

Y/n: I know Father and Congress won't let that shit, happen or so mighty god help me. It'll make them see the end of my weapon. I know many will say the same thing.


Y/n stopped his reading to hear the noise coming from his door. So he got up and went to it. When the door slides open a smile appears on his face. There in front of him was a old friend who he meet during childhood. Her name is Ashley Taurus. A red hair bull female faunus.

She is the same age as Y/n but they meet when they were five. She was rescued from a schnee mine thanks to UF intervention. Ashley did have a hard time adjusting but Y/n was there to help with every step. Soon both became inseparable even during high school. When she was considered one of the most beautiful girls in school. Who had the body and beauty to hold the title. But for Y/n it was kinda opposite. Still many would be shock to how Y/n was able to hang out with a woman like her. He just didn't mind them. Unlike others who like her for her looks. Y/n only cares for the Ashley he knows is a good person.

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