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Hi there. My name is Jade. This story happened almost a year ago. With someone by the name of Cody. You guys wouldnt know him or anything. But to me, I think it's a story worth telling. It happened to me 2018. And it continued through summer 2019. Si far. Hes the best thing that has happened to me. The best thing since 2016 when I got the impending doom feeling away from me. And 2017-2018 when it turns out my boyfriend was lying to me about everything. And he was cheating on me too. Cody is better than any of those things. He hasn't lied to me. He hasn't cheated or anything. Hes always completely honest with me(I'd like to think that). But theres a twist to things. Sometimes he can be a jerk. But that doesnt make a difference. Because we all have our ups and downs. But hes pretty good about being the sweet guy I know he is.

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