Note for my note

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Hey guys 👋. So the note that is currently the last part of this story was published out of order. I don't know how to fix it, but I've thought about this story a lot and I think I am going to leave it.

I had this ending in mind from the beginning and planned it about halfway through. Many of you have asked for a new part or for her to come back to him, but I can't do that...

I started this story in high school my junior year and now I'm a sophomore in college. I have grown so much since the beginning of this story. This story, for me, is a closed chapter in my life. I wrapped it up with a sadistic blood red bow and I think I need to leave it at that.

I hope you guys can understand. I also hope you guys stick around to glance at some new pieces that I've been working on.

Thank you so much for all of the support with our votes, follows, comments, direct messages, etc. I really appreciate it and all of you! ♥️

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