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Monroe's P.O.V

I had never been more angry than in this moment. Looking him in the eyes, I felt all my blood become like molten lava, scorching my veins. My brain was bombarded with memories..

July 4th
Seven years ago...

We laid in the field, watching the fireworks as they lit up the night sky. I felt his fingers intertwine with mine, setting my skin on fire with his touch.

"It's beautiful.." I muttered, my eyes glued to the sky that exploded with colours. I saw him turn in the corner of my eye, his body laying on its side whilst his eyes scanned me. "Yes, it is."

On cue, I blushed a deep crimson knowing he wasn't talking about the same thing as I was. He twirled some of my brown locks between his fingers as his gaze penetrated my eyes, looking deep into my soul as if he was trying to read me.

"I have something for you..just a little something. I know you didn't want to celebrate your birthday but it's your eighteenth. I couldn't not get something."

He sat up and reached into his jacket, pulling out a velvet navy box and placing it in my hand. "Happy birthday, Roe." He spoke in a whisper as he watched me intently as I pulled the box open.

I gasped, my eyes filling with tears at the golden necklace that laid in the box. It had a heart on it with the words "forever, Amore." engraved into the centre, a sapphire in the corner.

I looked up at him, a single tear rolling down my cheek. "Thank you..it's amazing." I stuttered as he pulled it out the box and placing it round my neck delicately, running his fingers lightly on my skin.

Turning round, my eyes met his emerald eyes as we sat staring at each other for a minute. That was until my hand subconsciously rested on the back of his neck, pulling his body closer to mine. He responded in an instant, placing his hand on my waist as our lips connected. It was fuelled with care and compassion. We moved in sync, like we were made for each other.

I'd thought about this moment for a long time, I just never expected it to happen. I'd always been smitten by Leo Valentino. From the moment he entered my life four years ago, I've only had eyes for him. And now he kissed me with the same emotion under the fireworks that matched our connection.

I instantly wrapped my arms round my chest, my eyes drilling into his. "This is a fucking joke." I chuckled, trying to rationalise this situation. In front of me stood Leo, looking the same as he did when I last saw him. Only now he had a shadowed jaw and inked skin.

He shuffled, perching on the end of his desk. "This is some sadistic nightmare. It has to be.." I muttered, running my hands through my hair.

"Nope. It's me. In the flesh, Amore." His voice spoke with the same fire it did before. It used to cause butterflies to explode inside me. Now it infuriated me.

"Don't call me that!" I hissed at him, my eyes daggering him. He chuckled lowly, a sad smile on his face. "Feisty now. You've changed."

I scoffed at his comment, leaning against the doorframe. "Well it has been seven fucking years! People change." I could tell he wasn't used to people talking to him like that as his jaw clenched before softening toward me again. "You're angry, I can see that. But I'd appreciate it if you treated me with some respect seems though you're in my home." I could tell he was annoyed at my attitude but, honestly, I gave zero fucks!

"Trust me, I don't want to be here anymore than you want me to be here." I hissed back, provoking him even more. His large hands rummaged through his brown locks before he met my gaze. "I'll get Enzo to show you to your room. I have some business to tend to but, when I return, we shall talk about all of this." He stated before waltzing out the office.

Are you fucking serious!?

He walked away.

I turned round on my heel, calling him down the corridor. I watched as Leo stopped, his back still to me waiting for my response. "Are you seriously leaving right now!?"

His head fell slightly. "I have to. I'll be back soon." And with that his body started to move again.

With anger fuelling my body, my mouth spoke without thinking what was coming out of it. "That's it, walk away. You've had enough practice!"

But he didn't stop. He kept walking until he was out of sight. I heard footsteps behind me and a low whistle. "Damn Monroe. I've never heard someone talk to him like that without losing at least a finger." Lorenzo chuckled behind me.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not scared of him. There's nothing intimidating about Leo Valentino."

I watched as Lorenzo's eyebrows furrowed. "You do realise who he is, dont you?" I stood feeling confused once again - a feeling I was accustomed to tonight. "He's the Capo. The leader."

I looked at Lorenzo with an eyebrow cocked. "Leader of?.." and that caught him off guard. "This. Your in the Italian Mafia Estate. We're all apart of it."

Well, fuck. Leo really changed too by the sounds of it. The sweet, loving guy I fell in love with seven years ago wasn't capable of leading this life, let alone be in charge..could he?

One thing I knew for certain, I was going to find answers tonight.

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