8. Happy Ending

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I breathed a sigh of relief, having settled everything down. Everyone around me was celebrating. Me and Damien had cleared our misunderstandings.

I was about to join in too when something or rather someone caught my eye.

"Blondie? " I asked. She stopped dead in her tracks behind the bushes she was hiding in.

"Um, hey! "She said nervously

"Why are you trying to escape? " I asked her, puzzled.

"Hey! It's the girl who let us in! " Some rogue shouted.

"So you are the betrayer! " Damien bellowed. "You dare defy me! "

"Calm down Mr Alpha, " I told him and crouched down to Blondie, who was crying.

"Why'd you do it? " I asked her.

"I don't know! " She cried. "I keep doing these stupid things for no reason whatsoever and keep pining over this arrogant Alpha for no reason at all! "

"Then why do you do it? " I asked, confused.

"Because... Because, because I'm Blond! "

"And I'm Batman! " Someone yelled.

I whipped my head towards the familiar voice. I was greeted with the face of generic bestie, hand in hand with a hot guy.

"Hey bestie! " I greeted. "Aren't you supposed to disappear halfway through the story? "

"I'm just here to tell you I found my mate. He's your mate's Beta! " She squealed.

I frowned, looking towards the guy. "I don't remember him being the Beta. "

She waved me off, "he is now. The old one died. The author didn't like him finding plot holes in the story. By the way, I'm pregnant too"

"Pregnant? " I scrunched my face in confusion, "it's hardly been a day. How can you be-"

I shut up seeing the warning look on her face. Right, I don't want to be killed by the author too.

I squealed in joy but my next words died in my throat when a firm arm wrapped around my waist.

"Do you want to make babies too? " Damien whispered in my ear.

Hell yeah. Who cares I'm underage?

"You've been a bad bad girl, " He says huskily.

I bite my lip, playing along "what you gonna do about it? "

"Depends on how kinky the author is. " With that he put me on his shoulders and carried me inside caveman style.


"Damien! Where are you taking me? "
"Shh. It's a surprise. "

It's been a week since the war and everything is back to normal.

In the past week, me and Damien have been through a lot. At one point the kitchen was on fire and we had to fight hunters.

So Damien had decided to take me out tonight. He had changed his personality faster than psychologists have thought possible.

Damien finally removed the blindfold from my eyes. I gasped at the sight in front of me.

A homy, expensive looking cabin sat in the middle of the forest. Is it...

"It's ours, " He whispered in my ear.

"I can't believe it. It must be so expensive. How did you even find this place?"

"Hey hey, you don't need to worry about that stuff, this is a female author's fantasy after all. I'm willing to spend all the hard-earned money of my pack just to make you happy. I love you Unique Name, not only because you are my mate, but because you are smart, kind, sweet and a wonderful human being- I mean werewolf, and a perfect Luna, even though you haven't shown any of those qualities till now. And that is why I want to ask you, would you marry me?" 

He got down on his knees, pulling out a very expensive diamond ring, tears brimmed my eyes. "Yes! Yes I will marry you."

He put the ring on my finger and stood up, pulling me to his chest. "My beautiful mate."

I looked up at him,"I... I have something to tell you too." And I did, something so surprising no one could have guessed it in a thousand years. "I'm pregnant."

He looked at me with shock written all over his face, as if expecting our fornication to bring him discount coupons instead.

After the initial shock subsided, he pulled me in for a hug again. "We are going to start a family!"

At that moment our life became perfect.

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