EP 1

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**My name is Victor, i'm a agent from the government, i was spying an certain someone, but i got discovered, and got shot in the stomach. but somehow i survived.**

-----------------------------------------------------End of Prologue------------------------------------------------------

Victor POV

Victor: Aughhhhh *has blood on the mouth* *get's up slowly* i need to find something to help me up....*grabs something*

Victor: *Starts walking* i need to look at myself first...i have my agent suit.....my glasses are broken....my pistol is....working yet.

Victor: *walks out of the room, and sees the hole building dirty and messy* something happened here...*continues walking**grabs my pistol in case of something happen*

Victor: *Walks and sees a city* huh? what the fuck?

Victor: I first need to lie low....*falls on the ground, relaxing a little* how did i survived that shot?....right in the stomach?...i need to get going.....i am thristy..and hungry..*Gets up and continues walking to the city* wait.....these arent humans....they have tentacles....they are talking..and doing things. is this a Intelligent specie? we arent the only ones?

Victor: *walks slowly and falls in a manhole* AHHH FUCK! *but luckily it wasn't that deep i just hurted my legs* my legs hurts....just like my stomach.....*gets up and sees two species talking with each other* AH! *grabs my weapon and points at them* WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??

???: *speaks an diferrent language*

Victor: what the fuck are you saying??

Victor: *sees some strange creature with a sniper aiming at the creature i'm pointing at*

Victor: HOLY FUCK *shoots the creature, and the creature dies*

???: *sees the creature which was trying to kill me*

Victor: you gotta be thankful that i saved your life!

Victor: now start talking my language motherf*cker.

Victor: who are you?

???: *stays silent*

???: what....are.......you...?

Victor: What? i'm a human dammit!

Victor: *feels so much pain that falls on the ground*

???: *tries to help him*

Victor: I still don't trust you....

???: *remembers the language that the creature is talking*

???: you speak...English?

Victor: Finally.......somebody that knows my language.

Victor: awnser my question....what are you guys?...

???: i'm a inkling, my name is agent 3.


???: government of who?

Victor: United States of America.

???: what is "United States of America"?

Victor: *opens my mouth of surprise* you....don't....know....U.S.A?

???: *notices his teeth* hey your teeth is similar to mine. *opens my mouth and there is 2 sharped teeth* 

The Agent Human (Splatoon Fanfic...*AGAIN*)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن