Chapter 39

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'Harry's P.O.V

Me and Ashley are sitting on the bed facing eachother. We are just talking.

"So before you wanted to tell me something." I said.

She just looks at me and said "I don't remember."

"Yea, you do" i said.

"No......" She said.

"Pleeeease tell me" I begged.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ashley said and then looked away.

"Ashley, you know esactly what i'm talking about!" I said.

She shook her head.

"Go get me something to eat" Ashley said.

"Okay" I said narrowing my eyes on her. She just looks at me.

"You coming with" I said.

"Whyyy" Ashley said complaining.

"Just come on" I said.

I grabbed her arm and tugged on her.

"NO, NO Harry, okay I got it i'm up." she said, and got off the bed. We headed out the door.

Ashley's P.O.V

We headed out Harry's door. And I see Isabell walking around perfectly fine! Ugh now I have to deal with her again. I see her staring at me as I walk.

"Looks like you plan didn't work Isabell." Niall said.


Isabell looks at Niall and said "What?!"

"Niall would you stop!" Zayn shouts.

I'm completly lost.

"You know that Brooke doesn't like you get over it and stop blaming Isabell" Zayn yelled.

Jeez Zayn totally changed since I was gone. He is turning into a Isabell. And its not a good thing...

"I know how Isabell really is" Niall said.

Zayn started to walk closer to Niall. This wasn't going to be a good.

"Acually I saw what happened...And Isabell did kiss Niall, she pushed his lips on her." I say.

Everyone looked at me. Niall, Isabell, Zayn, and Harry all had shock faces at me.

"I saw it" I said.

"Well, it doesn't matter what you say, because Brooke is now with Carlos" Isabell said.

" Yea.. She hates him...she wouldn't go back out with him.... unless someone is behind this." Niall said.

"This is sad how I know her better than you" Isabell said.

"What are you trying to say?" Niall said.

" That she doesn't like you anymore, so she is choosing her ex boyfriend instead of you! If she really cared about you she would be with you, so this is how much you were a terrible boyfriend to her!" Isabell said.

WOW! Isabell seriously need to go somewhere.

I went up to Isabell and slapped her hard across her face. It made such a loud noise.

"You need to watch your mouth!" I yelled at her.

"You do not tell me what to do BITCH!" Isabell yelled back and then she freaking punched me in the stomach hard. I fell on my knees coughing.

She is not getting through this time. But ahh that freakin hurt! But, I can't stop now.

I grabbed her boot, and tugged on it so she would fall. She slamed on the ground screaming.

"I'm going to break you foot some more! I said. I went on top of her and started to pull off her boot.

She was screaming "Get off of me!"

I see Zayn coming over.He needs to know that this girl is just trash. I finally take the boot off her foot. I grabbed her foot, but then Zayn pushed me away. Then Harry came running towards me. Ahh i'm in so much pain! Where did she punch me that hurt so badly! Then my vision started to get blurry. NO! And all I saw was Harry's face then blackout.

Isbaell's P.O.V

Good thing Ashley didn't do anything. to my foot, because it is almost done healing. Harry came rushing over to her and picked up Ashley.

"Are you alright Ash?" Harry said.

She didn't respond, I hope that she is suffering from that punch, because my hand hurts after doing that.

"NO Ashley stay with me!" I heard Harry yelling. Niall got up and went up to Harry.

"I'm taking her to a hospital because i'm not risking anything." Harry said and ran out the door, and Niall followed.

"Did she hurt you?" Zayn said.

"Well only when she slapped me, my face is kind of numb." I said.

Zayn picks me up and we go in his room. He places me on his bed.

"You just need to stay away form Ashley, she is just going to keep causing fights with you" Zayn said.

And kissed me on my forehead.

Harry's P.O.V

They are checking Ashely.

"She just passed out, nothing bad" The doctor said.

"So she is going to be alright?" I said.

The doctor nodded. "But she is just going to have to stay the night"

Oh, Isabell seriously needs to get out of our house!

"Do you know when she will wake up?" I asked.

"About a couple of minutes." The doctor said.

I go next to Ashley and hold her hand. I feel so bad for her. I felt her hand squeeze mine.

"Ashley" I said.

Her eyes went open.

"Where am I?" She said.

"Hospital" I said.

"How long am I going to be here?"

"Untill tomorrow morning" I said.

Her grip gets tighter "Will you stay in here with me, I don't like hospitals. I nodded. I looked at Niall and said "Would you want to stay?"

"Yea, its better then going back" Niall said and smiled.

Will I ever win (one direction fan fic) (EDITING STILL IN PROGRESS-CHAPTER 14)Where stories live. Discover now