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Ellysa is chilling with Konoha/Kuroha (aka trae - Ellysa's cousin) and Hibiya (aka frog - Ellysa's cousin)

Hibiya: how do you spell who? Isn't it h-o-o?

Konoha: Nah nah ain't it h-o-w?

Ellysa: *holding back laughs*

Hibiya: No, that doesn't sound right... h-w-o maybe?

Ellysa: *laughs loudly*

Kuroha: if it's so funny why don't you spell it, bitch?

Ellysa: fine... w-h-o. BAM! My awesomeness just exploded in your face.

There are reasons why I call my cousins that but I'm lazy and can't be bothered to explain.

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