“A what?” Niall breathed.

“A whole massacre happened here..” Harry muttered between Zayn and Louis, eyes narrowed. His hair had fallen on his forehead loosely. Sweat decorated his skin on his foreheas and neck. “We need to take these down,” he referred to the zombies that were still alive.

Well, dead alive.

“We can't use guns, more will come.” Zayn suggested, grabbing an arrow from his case hanging on his back.

“I know. Kill them while me, Louis and Cole check out the other area. There might be more.” Harry said, causing both Cole and Ed to look at him from the far end of the bush.

Cole looked slightly hesitant but didn't say a word. “I'll come with you.” Ed muttered, grabbing the blade of his knife.

“I didn't call your name.” Harry shot coldly, not meeting Ed’s eye.

“I don't need you to, I'll come.” Ed shrugged nonchalantly.

Frustration washed through me at his cockiness and arrogance. I really want to slap him hard across the face. Thomas rolled his eyes while Louis scoffed and glared at Ed. Cole seemed uncomfortable. How did he even get in the army group? He looks so afraid of anything.

“You are not in a position to command or make decisions.” Harry spat, returning Ed’s glare. If these two keep going on like that I know for a fact that they will start a physical fight. And I really wanted to Harry to smack the shit out of Ed. I've started to despise him a lot, only because he is so arrogant and frustrating.

“Just the three of you will be dangerous. There might be many more at the other side, do you want to risk it?” Ed tried to reason, and although he has a good point, he has no idea of how much we have been through and how we deal with tough situations.

“A risk will be if you come along.” Louis retorted, making Niall and Ashton snort.

Ed scowled at Louis while Cole just stared at the ground. “Out of all my soldiers, what makes you think I would actually choose you to come along?” Harry spat, the irony dancing in his eyes was evident.

“Niall is more useful even in this state than you.” Zayn shot coolly, causing small laughs to come from Thomas ’, Ashton's and Louis’ mouths, while Niall smirked.

Ed’s jaw clenched and I knew that if we didn't finish making the plan, we would have to make tents out here. I had started growing tired.

“I can come with you.” I offered, bringing the boys’ eyes towards me.

Harry seemed pleased, his green eyes softening on me. “Alright, Zayn, kill them with your crossbow,” Harry ordered, Zayn nodded. “Liam, Niall, Ed and Ashton, you stay here, covered. Don't do anything that will attract zombies. Thomas, I will need you to go all the way to that tree,“ He pointed at the tree near the staircase of the cabin. “And take a look inside, tell us if there are more of them, okay?” he looked at us and we all nodded.

“Roger.” Louis mumbled.

“Let's move.” Harry urged and looked at Cole, who stumbled slightly over his feet as he started running sneakily behind the bushes.

Louis followed, moving fast. Harry next, his long legs moving swiftly and easily, his head ducked down so he couldn't be seen by the walking zombies. I was next. I pushed myself off the ground and ran, making sure I was quiet enough and my feet didn't hit any rock. The gun in my hands felt slippery due to my sweat so I gripped it harder.

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