On a Cruise

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The beautiful ocean water rose to a black edge of paint on the cruise ship. Nature at its finest points was always a beautiful sight to admire. The sun beat down to create highlights in the beautiful water where often, fish would leap out of the water.

"Yahoo!" A splash arose from the water.

"Ibuki, don't be so reckless, you may hurt yourself!" The ultimate nurse, Mikan shouted up from the ship's deck.

"Oh shush you filthy pig, nobody asked for your concern." A young looking, yet foulmouthed girl scoffed. Her name was Hiyoko, the ultimate dancer.

"It's a beautiful summer day, perfect for taking pictures!" The clicks of a camera could show how amazing the Earth could be. At least, that's what the ultimate photographer, Mahiru would think.

"Since I'm always having to do my princess duties, I never see a view like this often." Sonia bent down in her red heels to gaze at the water up on the deck.

"Miss Sonia, you really do like the ocean." Kazuichi smiled. He was always all over Sonia, it was only natural.

"Come on Akane! We must push forward!" Nekomaru screamed with positivity as his arms scraped the water and he led the way.

"Of course, I would never fall behind!" Akane started to backstroke.

"Huh, looks like everyone is having a good time, but I would rather stay up here." The ultimate imposter (who we call Byakuya even though he's not actually called Byakuya) said.

"Young master, are you interested in swimming?" Peko asked.

"No way, I don't do stupid activities like that." The ultimate yakuza, Fuyuhiko yawned.

"Just looking at all these girls wants to make me-" The ultimate chef, Teruteru started to say.

"My four dark devas of destruction do not want want to be cursed by your rambling." Gundham held his hamsters in his bare hands as he took care of them.

"Oh no, lost again." Chiaki looked up from her game controller that distracted her from the world itself.

"Hope has brought us all together, I knew to believe in everyone and I was right." Nagito smiled at the sky and clenched his fists together.

And finally, there was me. The reserve course student with no talent, except for being the hope everyone needed. And for that, I was called the ultimate hope. Also know as Hajime.

It was a fresh, beautiful, relaxing summer day. Everybody was hanging out together as the days went by. Many things have happened over the past couple of weeks. First, Mahiru and Hiyoko started to get in a relationship and so did Kazuichi and Sonia which actually suprised me which they were total opposites. Kazuichi is the ultimate mechanic while Sonia is the ultimate princess, so showing how their lifestyle's are not much alike is pretty easy to do.

Second, Teruteru actually started a resturaunt on the ship and Hiyoko would dance to music Ibuki played for us. It became an event and so it happens every Friday, today being Tuesday.

Of course, things have kind of been awkward when it comes to me talking to Nagito since his confession.

"Please don't forget that I love your hope that sleeps inside you, from the bottom of my heart."

Those words still rest in my heart. I still find myself blushing crazily to that confession.

"Hajime? Your face is red as a tomato." Chiaki startled me.

"O-oh, sorry." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Want to play a game with me?" Chiaki handed me the controller.

"Sure, I'm not very good though." I sat down on one of the white beach chairs and Chiaki sat next to me, peering over my back to watch. I could feel her breathing on me, which sent a shiver down my spine.

"Aw man, you didn't last long either." The game over sign popped up on the screen. I smiled nervously at her. Chiaki was the type that you couldn't help but smile around.

"Yo Chiaki, come over here!" Ibuki cheered happily, waving her arms in her black bikini with a towel wrapped around her neck as she was drenched.

"Coming." Chiaki quickly ran over to the other side of the deck with her soft voice.

The sound of laughter filled my ears and the sight of people were in my eyes, but these people were human who I survived a killing game with.

"Hope is what keeps us going, I suppose," I jerked as soon as I heard his voice, "Wouldn't you say, Hajime?" I looked around for somewhere to run, but that option seemed childish.

"Yeah, I guess.." I finally settled down and relaxed my shoulders. I leaned on the fence of poles that surrounded the ship's border. Nagito then came beside me.

"You've been acting strange lately. Something has been up, hasn't it?" Nagito faced me.

"What do you mean?" I flinched. And looked at the ocean as Nekomaru and Akane raced next to the boat.

"Lucky guess." He smiled to himself but looked back at me with a stern facial expression, "I'm guessing it's what I said the other day." He looked down.

"Kinda.." I mumbled.

"Listen, just forget about it, it's in the past. You still have hope to spread so don't lose focus. I'll be that stepping stone." He stated proudly. I looked to my side suprised. Of course, that's "normal" Nagito for you.

"I don't really understand that, but ok." I laughed it off. Nagito was very strange to me. He had such a strange way of thinking.

"Hey losers, most of us are gonna eat lunch inside and come back out." Hiyoko announced as Teruteru, Ibuki, Mikan, Gundham, Nekomaru, and Akane followed.

"Y-you're moving so fast-" Mikan tried to run but ended up tripping.

"Oh no Mikan, you okay?" Ibuki asked.

"Eeeep! I'm so embarrassed!" Mikan blushed hardly at her mistake.

"Teruteru I know what you're thinking." Hiyoko slapped him.

"What was that for?" Teruteru complained. The group opened the door to the cafe part of the ship and things got a little quiet. That was mostly the loud group.

"The rest of us should probably eat too." Byakuya broke the silence and led us to the door where sound entered once more. It kind of overwhelmed me at first, but I got used to it. Of course, it was always like this because this will be my normal life for a while, but little did I know that this cruise would behold some un-normal events that would change my whole life.

Finally done, yay! Geez, this took forever to type on a phone.. This is my first time writing a komahina fanfic so it's probably not going to be the greatest, but I'll try my best. I look forward to writing the rest of this story and I hope you enjoy it! Also, feel free to comment as you wish!

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