Chapter Forty-Eight: Quit Stealing My Drink And Calling My Cat Demonic!

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I glance up at the hourglass at the front of the classroom. Twenty minutes left. I set down my quill and grin slightly. The last exam is almost done. It's the last exam that I'll ever write at Hogwarts. It's a bittersweet revelation.

I glance sideways. James sits across from me. He wears a proud smirk, telling me that he's finished the exam too. I'm not surprised. It was a challenging test, but James is a smart guy...most of the time anyways.

"The test is over." Professor McGonagall declares loudly from the front of the room. With a flick of her wand, all the parchment zooms to her desk. "You may now leave. Congratulations on completing your last Hogwarts exam."

I get up and start towards the door. James wraps an arm around my waist. Breathlessly, he puts his lips on mine and kisses me in the middle of the classroom. I should stop him. We're in the middle of a classroom, right in front of a professor, but I couldn't care less. I kiss him back.

"Evans... Potter..." Professor McGonagall sighs. We break apart and look at her. She shakes her head and just smiles at us.

I return the smile as James and I walk out of the room.

"Bloody hell! How'd you get away with that?" Sirius demands as he joins us.

"Never mind that!" Peter wails. "I think I failed! Merlin, what is Mother going to say!?!" His face is bright red.

"Relax, Pete," Alice says calmly.

"Where'd you come from?" James asks Alice with a look of surprise.

"Well, James, when a mommy witch and a daddy wizard reeeeaaallly love each other-"

"No. Just no." I say, interrupting Alice.

"Shite, you're the fun police, Lily!" Alice teases.

"Oh, well, the fun police has a bottle or two of Ogden's Old Firewhisky, but seeing as you're not being very nice..."

"I'll hex you." Alice threatens with an easy smile. "Maybe a bad case of pimples or buckteeth..."

"Yeah, I'll share with you." I promise meekly.

"That's what I thought."

"We'll supply the rest of the drinks." James smirks.

"Don't forget the cloak." I taunt.

"Love, your lack of faith in me is breaking my feeble heart into shards!"

"Aw! Poor little Prongsy! Can't cope with the rejection of his only true loooove!"

"Shut it, Padfoot!" James scowls.

"Are you two done?" Remus asks with a wry smile. "I'd like to party before the next century."

"Who knew that Remus is a party animal?" Alice jokes.

"He is the party wolf!" Sirius declares.

"I don't know if that's more of an insult or a joke." Remus comments. "Tho, I think being called a mutt would be way worse."

Sirius lunges for Remus. Remus sidesteps and laughs. Then, without warning, Sirius tackles Remus flat onto the ground. Remus tries to break loose, but Sirius has a good thirty pounds at least on him and is a lot stronger.

"Lily and I are going to get the Head common room ready!" Alice chirps. "You blokes get more alcohol or there'll be hell to pay. Got it?"

"Yeah." James says shortly. He grabs the back of Sirius' robes and yanks him to his feet.

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