Temporary Goodbyes and Rebirth

Start from the beginning

"Better for who? Elena, as much as we've fought in the last few years there is still no one I trust more than you. I love you and I don't know what I'll do without you."

"You'll find happiness with the new family you've made and when it's my time I will be apart of it. When Bonnie told us what happened to you and what you did for her in The Prison World. You died Sofia and none of us knew it." Elena is crying more as she says this

"There was no time to tell anyone, Lenny. I...I told you there was this dark part of me and for one moment of my life she took control."

"I wish I could have done more for you. Been there more for you."

"I wish I could say the same for you Lenny. I had no idea you lost Damon for four months and were grieving him alone. I...we should have been better sisters to one another."

"Maybe this will be our second chance at being better."

"My daughter would be lucky to know you as her aunt. When I get her back I will tell her all about you. How amazing it is to have you as a sister. Even when you're a little selfish, know it all but overall have the biggest heart. I love you Lenny and I will live my life to the fullest so when I do get to hug you again I can tell you all about it."

"I love you Sofia. Never forget that."

"I love you, Elena. Rest well and I will see you again."

I feel groggy but I keep my body still in fear of the pain I felt before I passed out. I try to open my eyes and I notice I'm looking up as I continue moving. How is that possible? I try moving my head so I can understand what is happening. I'm taken back as I see I'm being carried by Tyler of all people. What happened? Where is everyone? "Ty?" I get out in a whisper.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." He says and he looks down at me and I notice something different about him.

"What happened?"

"Kai came back and killed all of the Gemini's and he's dead. But..." Tyler stops and I feel him almost drop me but he regains control.

"What's happening to you?" There are tears in his eyes.

"I had to kill Liv in order to heal and not die from my wounds." He says this through sobs.

"If you're transforming right now why are...why save me?"

"I've done horrible things out of my hatred toward Klaus and...I even thought about killing a pregnant girl to get back at him. But through all of my rage I never stopped and thought about the pain I would cause you. I saw the damage I had done when I saw how you looked at me that day in the woods."

"We all do bad things, Ty." I squeeze his hand. "Can you tell what's injured on me?" I asked dreading the worse.

"Sofia as far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with you."

"How is that possible? I felt the pain and something in my chest."

"That's why I'm taking you to the hospital. Maybe it's something I can't see." Tyler pushes through the door of the hospital.

"What's wrong?" A nurse asks as they bring out a stretcher.

"She knocked out after an explosion and I don't know what could be wrong with her." Tyler says and they place me down.

"We'll take it from here." I can't keep my eyes open as everything is sensitive to me. My eyes hurt and I can barely focus on the conversation happening around me. "Miss, can you tell us your name?" I barely hear but mostly through muffled speak. "Miss?"

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