working. |chapter 18|

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I sat down on the ground. It was still damp and frosty. There was fog everywhere, I didn't have much of a liking for it. I couldn't see anything. It made me mad, because Cato made a game of sneaking around in the fog and coming to startle me. The first time, I threw a dealy blade at his head. Luckily, I seen it was him and abruptly changed the course of my knife.

Unfortunatley, I wasn't able to find it after that. I sent Cato out to find it, since he was the reason its out there. I started a fire with wood. Finding the wood was a difficult task, considering a lot of the wood was damp due to the fog. I gathered wood from a crevice in a cave. I took the risk of the entire cave collapsing on me, but I was cold.

I thought back to when I shed tears back in my slumber. The thought brought shame to me. I cried on national television. My lip curled in disgust.

"You ready to die?" A deep voice caught my attention. A tanned arm got me in a chokehold, my fingers were clawing furiously at it. I quickly remembered my training in District Two. I slammed an elbow in his stomach, which rewarded me with a loud oof! I turned to see Cato grasping his stomach.

"You really can't handle a joke." He groaned.

"Damn you!" I pushed his shoulder. "This isn't a joke, I thought you were a tribute! Your lucky I didn't pull a knife out on you."

"For the record, I am a tribute. And thanks for not pulling a knife out on me." He lazily smiled.

"Don't push it." I threatened.

Cato got a hold of reality and went out hunting, I went with him. Just to watch him struggle, he kept trying to throw a spear at the crows. It just ended up scaring everyone of them away. I just smirked at his efforts. He would throw a hissyfit when he saw me chuckling at him.

"Not as easy as it seems, huh Cato?" I crossed my arms, and threw all my weight on my left hip. He didn't even bother to reply. He looked very...pure right now. Because he was squating in a bush with his spear over his shoulder, ready to thow at any moment.

His eyes widened when he saw a big nose poking out of the bush. It looked like it was about to bound across the open plains. It stuck his head out and I saw it. It was a grizzly bear. I silently crossed over to Catos bush and took a giant blade out. I swung it over my shoulder and flicked my wrist. I watchedin horror as the bear roared and looked every direction to see who his attcker was. There bear was injured, but could still clearly fight Cato and I and win.

The bear began to charge towards our bush. Cato rose to his feet and swung his spear right into the bears chest. The bear roared in pain and fell. We had to wait a few minutes, because we were both cautious enough to wait until the bear bled out. After a ten minute wait, we both took light steps over to the bear.

"What're we gonna do with it?" Cato asked. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Well, we could obviously eat it!"

"Yeah sure, but how are we supposed to bring it back to camp?" Cato raiseed a blonde eyebrow at me.

"You figure it out, high and mighty." I stepped up at him; just to challenge his dominance. I looked up at his chin defiantly. "After all, your the genious." I was referring to yesterday when he was bossing me around and yelling at me.

"Hm, high and mighty." He smirked. "I like that. Keep it up." He shoved me in the shoulder while walking past me towards the bear. He started framing the bear with his fingers. He was deciding which pieces to take and which ones to leave for the magets and flies.

He finally took his sword out of the sheath and swung off the legs. I didn't want to get any of the blood on me so I demanded Cato jacket. He denied my request but suggested we use the jacket as sort of a gurney. It was still heavy but less by a ton.

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