Snap, Bang, Snap

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Bakugo grabbed Kirishima and kneed to the ground in shock, beginning to cry. "Oh please, really?" Izuku rolled his head to crack it as he cracked his fingers at the same time. "You push everyone away, why do you care now" He sighed. Bakugo sprung from his spot and went to grab Izuku in anger, but he missed over and over as Izuku dodged carelessly of his attempts. "Young Bakugo Stop!" Allmight yelled out as they all began to hurriedly stumbled to stop Bakugo from attacking Izuku, they were still trying to realise Izuku killed Kirishima so easily. 

Izuku's eyes glowed green as his arms suddenly turned into sharp scythe blades before everyone's eyes. Bakugo stopped and jumped back to see Izuku's transformed arms, knowing that it would be stupid trying to attack such a dangerous quirk. 

"Your not coming for me anymore?" Izuku giggled with his eyes infuriatingly staring at him, showing all the sleep under his eyes. Izuku raised his Scythe arm high before Bakugo, making him panic and trip back holding his arms to protect his face, but in midair of falling, Izuku took off his arms with a single swing of his arm. 

Bakugo screamed in pain, squirming on the ground Izuku looked down at him with a satisfied look on his face. His scythe arm covered with Bakugo's blood touched the ground, scraping the ground as he left Bakugo and turned to the others. 

Izuku flicked his arm at everyone in-front of him, flicking small drops of Bakugo's blood across all their faces. Izuku smiled seeing Allmight with his student's blood over his face, Allmight took a large inhalement of air uneasily. Bakugo screamed in pain besides his own arms. They weren't sure what to do next as Izuku's arms turned to normal, Bakugo needs to exit the battlefield, and the others hiding don't think its a good time to come out yet,  Allmight knew he couldn't talk to Izuku either because of having Shinso's quirk. 

Izuku rolled his eyes, "God! Just make a move!" Izuku irritated with the tension high. Everyone braced themselves as Izuku started walking down to them all with his spine changing, cracking and snapping and beginning to bleed as it looked like something was about to come out of his back. 

Suddenly a gun shot went off, Izuku had been shot in the knee. He fell on his bleeding knee as it was shaking from the pain, his hands twitched, "What little bastard-" Izuku turned around and began to cry in shame and disbelief, he turned his head around and covered his face and his tears, "Don't look at me!" he screamed. Allmight tried to identify who shot Izuku's knee from behind him, he went in shock realising it was Inko. 

Inko dropped the gun and covered her mouth in shock of Izuku's behaviour. "Izuku?" she cried slowly walking up from behind him, "Whats gotten into you?" she asked, torturing Izuku's mind apart as he heard those words from his mother. 

Inko hugged him as he sat paralysed by the fact that he could't hurt his own mother. He began to puff as their was a fight going on in his mind, Allmight noticed this when his face quickly twitched from deliriously smiling to the crying Izuku he thought he lost.  Allmight cautiously walked over to Izuku with a pair of the mirrored glasses, trying to not make any sudden movements as it might disturb whatever was going on in his mind, which he suspected was another personality battle. 

Bakugo called out to Allmight quietly, trying not to pass out from the pain, "All for one, he's here! " he called out, turning his head to see a horrid faced man in a suit walking calmly walking towards the group. 

Allmight noticed his appearance, and quickly slid the glasses over Izuku's face secured. "Can you get Izuku out of here?" Allmight asked Inko, she nodded but still quietly cried as she was upset from having to shoot her own son to stop him from harming the people he once cared for. 

"Do not bother, Inko" Afo added finally arriving the battlefield. Allmight stood in-front of Inko, Todoroki, Shinso and the other's jumped out and surrounded All for one. Inko and Allmight suddenly rose from the ground and tossed away from Izuku, who was crying and twitching on the ground. "Get away from the boy" Afo sneered, moving them with a flick of his hand while still surrounded by the students. 

Suddenly Izuku screamed, catching everyone's attention.

Small flames of all color's started emanating from Izuku's body, Ice began to freeze the ground he laid on, rocks and stones began to float around him, the wind began to swirl fiercely around him, vines began to grow out of his veins and dig into the icy ground, his teeth began shifting and sharpening, his fingernails began to grow long and sharp, electricity started flickering around his body and blood began flowing out of his scares, wounds, eyes, nostrils and mouth, his bones snapped and cracked being somehow dislocated and relocated over and over again. 

Izuku screamed as his eyes changed color's. 

"Izuku!" Everyone screamed out to him in disbelief. 

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