First Word

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Steve Rogers

"Alright come one you need a nap little one." Steve said as he picked you up. You poured your lower lip before yawing. You give your dad a hug before he sets you down in your crib. He walks out and about a half an hour later he hears the best thing ever.

"Daddy!" Y/n yelled. He sprints to her room. "Daddy." She says smiling. He walks over and picks her up.

"Yep that's right, daddy's here." He cooed.

Tony Stark

Tony was walking around his tower with you strapped to his chest on his day off. He walked into the living area and stunned his toe on a coffee table. The little toe.

"Ahh, shit." He said through gritted teeth.

"Shit!" You squealed.

"No, no, no, you don't say that word. That's Pepper's word, she coined it." He says.


Hammer was your first word, need I say more?

Clint Barton

He was attempting to mix a bottle when you got ahold of one of his arrows. It was one of the normal ones might I add. You started chewing on the end. Clint saw you and ran over to take it from you.

"No, no, no little sparrow, when your older I'll teach you how to fire an arrow" he explains picking you up.

"Arrow." You blabber. Clint's face lights up.

"That's right little sparrow! Arrow!" He plants a kiss on your cheek and bounced you in his arms.

Bucky Barnes

He held you in his flesh arm and rocked you singing a Russian lullaby to you. He swayed back and forth and bounced you in his arms. He booped your nose with his finger. 

"Boop." He would chuckle as he did it. You giggled,

"Boop." Your little voice squeaked out. His face lit up and he hugged you.

"I love you so much babydoll. That's right, boop" He says cuddling you against his chest.

Pietro Maximoff

You loved watching your dad run around but he never did it when you where in his arms. You loved looking at the trail of blue it left behind. So when your dad showed you the road runner cartoons oh boy where you happy.

Now sometimes he would run by and say "meep meep" and run off. He chuckles and picked you up,

"You like that princessa?" He chuckled cradling you in his chest.

"Meep, meep" you giggled. His electric blue eyes went huge and hugged you for what felt like forever.

"That's right princessa, meep meep"

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