I'm stalling obviously!

Jesus fucking christ Sofia! Just click the button! It can't make you off any worse than you are.

My sigh of frustration is followed by stuffing my face in a pillow and screaming.

Ping...oh...what's this?

Bringing myself out of my pillow cloud, I shove my phone back in front of my face. 'Suggested Daddy Profile' Alert! Now that's something I can definitely click on! And I do.

Who do we have here?

Patrick Stump is his name and- and well damn! He's gorgeous! Soft brunette hair, lovely tamed beard. Light blue eyes. The photo of him is waist up so I can see he's wearing a dark blue suit. That suit shows off strong looking shoulders. He looks confident in the photo but not arrogant. Just like he knows he's more than capable of getting things done! There's a slight smile on his face that makes his eyes crinkle at the sides and it's so very charming. This isn't a man that has a six pack under the suit. His cheeks are a little more filled out than most of the sickly slim men on here. It's extremely refreshing and attractive. Sexy even. I wonder what it would be like to lie down on his chest and just kinda be there?

Woah! Okay maybe I've done enough procrastinating. Maybe I should check the email? It's probably more important than this-

'Patrick Stump has viewed your profile'

Nooooooooooo. Really? No! My profile barely has any information on it at all. It literally says my name, age and location. Oh and the only picture I ever took that is decent is on there too.

There's not much I can do now that he's seen it. Shit! Not that I care of course.

Flicking the notification away, I take my attention back to his profile. He's thirty-four which is a little younger than most daddies on here. Regardless he's still eight years older than me. That's quite a lot but not too much for a bit of fun I guess.

Sofia! No!

Is it weird that my conscience kinda sounds like my Mom when she's angry? It's definitely weird or maybe I just know that I'm on the edge of doing something stupid.

But! Mr Patrick Stump is a 'keen entrepreneur who likes music and watching movies on the couch'. Huh that's cute. I love movie marathons too. He's 5,4" - taller than me because I'm a short ass! 5,2" and a quarter! Don't forget the quarter.

He states in his profile that he's too busy for a proper relationship but still would like company when he can spare some time. I bet I could spare a lot of time!

Maybe I should add more to my profile? Just you know... in case. I don't think it would make a difference because the 'Daddies' can't message the 'SugarySweets' unless we like them. Yes! Wow I know how terrible that name is yet it's also somehow fitting!

I won't do it! I won't hit that like button just because of some gorgeous eyes and squishy cheeks. I won't! I mean up until now I wasn't even contemplating doing anything. Now look at me! All flustered over a cute older man.

It's wrong! This whole thing is wrong! I couldn't pretend to like a man just so that he could put a nice deposit into my bank account. It's just not okay!

Yet, that's exactly what these men sign up for!


The clock on my night stand is mocking me, reminding me of every passing second. Every second that I become closer to bankruptcy...

'My Profile' - Sofia Westwood, 25, Chicago, Illinois. Web Designer, interested in gaining a better future. Loves to cuddle- eww no delete that. Loves to do anything you want- god NO! Too desperate! What do I love doing? Should I be honest like Patrick Stump was? Fine. New line...

I love movie marathons and drowning in chocolate wrappers. Cuddling is very necessary because I'm cold blooded and need to steal your warmth.

*profile updated*

I hate myself, really I do! But at least my profile is a little better now.

Okay...that email. Gotta check it and stop drooling over Patrick Stump.

A couple of taps later, the email is back on my screen, displaying a job interview time sheet. OH YES! This is something. It's a very little something but it's not nothing. Even if I can acquire a job in this coffee shop, even a few hours a week, it'll be worth it to make some cash.

Isn't it strange how life will present you with zero opportunities then throw multiple at you? Because as I'm about to confirm my interview time another notification from my new favourite app pops up.

'Patrick Stump has liked your profile'

I...wha-what! What should I do with that information? He can't message me unless I like him back...so maybe I should like him back.

Oh for god sake! No! This is ridiculous. I need a job, not a sugar daddy!

So I make an executive decision. Not sure why it's an executive decision since it's only in my mind but my point is I make a decision! Please stop judging me!

I'm not a rude person so my decision is this: I will like Patrick Stump's profile back so that he doesn't think I disliked him. Then I'll delete this stupid app, erase the original email and continue on with my life like nothing has happened. Because nothing has actually happened.

It takes me a good while to psych myself up. My finger hovers over the like button, shaking rather dramatically. Pull it together Sofia!

I put my phone down, I pick it back up and you guessed it! I put it back down again. I make myself some microwave food, wait for it to cool and begin to eat it slowly. Don't like it much so I end up binning it in disgust.

I even shower, shave my whole body, dry my hair and try to take a better photo than the one I already have on the profile. Which is a success surprisingly. The way my hair has dried makes it look wavy and kinda nice. If I were an actor I'd be impressed with this head shot.

Taking a deep breath, I upload the photo and end up back at square one. Here I am again, finger hovering.

Only this time...I hit it. Then I proceed to make a terrified noise which reminds me of a pig squealing. With a hell of a lot of panic building inside me I tap off the app and try my damnedest to make it disappear. The little icon shakes uncontrollably on my screen as if begging not be deleted and my thumb dives for the little x.

But then...

'Patrick Stump has sent you a message request'

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