"No you're not, I got you a job earlier" she paused for a second to make sure I had registered this "Black Veil Brides were looking for a merch girl so I said you'd do it" I couldn't believe it! 

"Lexus you don't know how much I appreciate this" I gave her a hug "So should I call them?" 

"Me and Nick are going into town to celebrate so I can drop you off at the lead singers house?" I agreed and went to get myself ready. I put on a pair of leather pants and a long top with Iron Maiden on it. It was all that was clean to be honest but it wasn't like this was going to be a profesional interview type of thing. It was for a merch girl. Lexus and Nick dropped me off at the guy's house "You want us to pick you up on our way back?"

"Yeah please, just give me a text when you're close" I smiled at them and went up to the apartments, I looked for the buzzer that said Andy next to it and pressed it "Hello" a deep husky voice boomed down to the speaker "Oh Hi I'm Deven, your merch girl apparently?" I said hoping Lexus had told the truth "Oh Hey girl come up!" I heard the door click so went in and up to his apartment, he was already waiting for me at the door "Hey there, so your Deven?" I smiled and went to shake his hand but instead he kissed my cheek "It's nice to meet you, please come in" I nodded and walked into his apartment. It was a really big apartment he must have been well off. As I sat down my phone started buzzing I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID, it was Ronnie I looked up at Andy "I'm sorry but I should probably take this". I stayed sat on the sofa as I didn't know where else to go to be honest "Hello?"

"Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to hang tomorrow lunch time?" 

"Can I get back to you later, I'm kind of busy?" I put the phone down like he had earlier on and looked across to Andy who was sat next to me now. "Sorry about that" he smiled at me and offered me a drink which I agreed too. "So you ever sold merch before?" 

"Nope but I know it's a simple job" I winked at him as he handed me a drink 

"So tell me about yourself?" For some reason I felt like I could tell him everything about myself, I felt so open and comfortable with him. It was a strange feeling I had to admit, I told him about England, Jacky, Ronnie and everything it was so strange. But he seemed to understand everything I was telling him "I think we're going to be good friends" I said to him. He smiled and took a swig of his drink "I hope so Deven you seem cool" I finished my drink and checked my phone and saw I had a message from Lexus "Well Lex and Nick will be here in a minute so I'll go wait for them outside" I smiled at him and got up. "What's your number so I can text you tomorrow and we can meet up again for a chat and I'll give you all the details" I wrote down my number on his hand and walked out of the room and down to the front of the building.I was now feeling a little bit more positive about America again, I now had a temporary job which would give me a lot of cash and a new friend that I really liked.

Nick pulled up at the side of the road "Where's Lexus?" I asked seeing she wasn't sat in the car

"She wanted to stay at mine tonight, she said you need to be out by tomorrow morning" 

"Ohh great" when I got back to Lexus's I decided to pack my suitcases up, I placed all of my clothes into the case and locked it up before heading to bed. Where was I going to stay, I could ring Andy and ask to stay at his for a bit. As I was just drifting off my phone started buzzing. I answered "Hello?"

"You never got back to me?" 

"Oh I'm sorry I was in a sort of job interview" 

"You're a groupie, you don't need a job, you live off of bands" I rolled my eyes 

"You think I'm a groupie?!" I blurted down the phone, it was silent for a minute 

"Well you have the potential to be, I didn't ring you about that anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to meet tomorrow lunch" 

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