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Chapter 24:

~Niall’s POV~

We left for minigolfing and surprisingly had a nice day without that many people following us around. It was peaceful. We were only on hole 4 because frankly, Cameron can’t golf for her life. She sucks.

“Here, love, let me help you,” I offered.

“No!” Cameron said, “I can do it myself, besides you’re on the other team so no.”

“Babe, I just want to help you,” I said as she hit the ball and it completely missed yet again.

“Let him help you Cam, we don’t want to lose,” Eleanor said. We had decided girls against boys and me and Louis are pros at golf so we’re beating them.

“Fine,” Cameron muttered, giving in. I set myself up behind her. I lightly tapped the inside of her foot with my foot so she’d have her legs a little further apart. Then I gently leaned my chest onto her back and wrapped my arms around her and placed my hands on top of hers. I had my feet outside of hers, and helped her balance on the balls of her feet. She turned her head and looked at me. “Now I see why you wanted to go minigolfing,” she whispered. I leaned in and gently kissed her and smiled.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I smirked. She kissed me and then I helped her gently swing back and hit the ball. She got a hole in one!

“Yay!” she screamed, turning around and jumping into my arms. I caught her and wrapped my arms around her tightly and spun her in a circle.

“See? I knew you had it in you,” I smiled setting her down as Louis went up for his turn.

The game went on and about an hour and a half we had finished.

“We beat you both!” Eleanor and Cameron chanted.

“We let you win!” Louis shot back.

“Yeah, we felt kinda bad for you two,” I laughed.

“Especially Cammie! You shouldn’t get involved with golf,” Louis laughed and I laughed with him.

“Oh shut up,” Cameron huffed. I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me and kissed her cheek.

“I still love you though, so it’s okay,” I smiled and kissed her cheek again.

She tried to frown but I kept placing kisses on her face, so she tried to push me away. I just pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her tighter and she kept her hands on my chest and leaned backwards, still trying to push me away.

“No, you’re mean and so is Louis!” she said laughing, leaning back farther.

“No, you love me,” I said giving up but I still kept my arms around her.

“Let’s go eat,” Louis said grabbing Eleanor’s hand and leading her to the car.

“Wow, that’s the first time Niall isn’t the one who said it,” Cam said sarcastically.

“Then I’ll say it now, I’m hungry, let’s go eat,” I said releasing Cameron and intertwining our hands. We walked over to the car and went to a restaurant and ate and then headed back to the hotel.

When we got back it was only about two in the afternoon so we decided to do something.

“Hide and seek!” Cameron screamed.

“In here?” I asked.

“That’s boring! This whole floor!” Louis yelled. I looked at Eleanor and she nodded her head.

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