Chapter 29

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"Where's my mom?" Jax asked
"She's getting supplies. Sacks with her" piney spoke
"I'll go meet up with her" Harley said before leaving the clubhouse and speeding off the Gemma. She found her in the street looking at produce. Harley pulled up and Gemma turned around. Gemma had a sinister grin on her face.
"Follow me."
"Where are we going?"
"Forwards sweetheart." And with that Harley followed behind her along with sack.

Back with Edmond

"You take milk?" Stahl asked
"I think I might be sick." He spat
And with that he went to the bathroom. Grabbed the gun from the vent and went to Stahl. She saw the gun in his hand and sat her cup down.
"What are you gonna do with that?" She asked
"Box you put me in you give me no chkoice" he walked towards her with the gun raised. She walked closer and grabbed the gun from his hand.
"Put the gun down" She pried it from his hands and fired a shot at him
"Jesus!" He looked at her in terror and confusion.
"Blanks. We knew the gun was there. We knew the cellphone was at the wharf. We've been one step ahead eddy. And now I'm gonna send daddy a text from your phone. Telling him that I am dead and it is safe to come pick you up."
She grabbed his phone
"Why did you let me take is this far?" He put his head in his hands.
"I was curious. Wanted to see if you had the balls. But you didn't. I guess Da raised a little Irish pussy didn't he?" She snarked before he landed a blow right on her crotch. "Oh!" She grunted and doubled over in pain.
He ran and she pulled out her gun and fired two shots. Shooting him in the back.
She rushed to him and felt for a pulse.

Meanwhile juice was watching the Mayans in front of the cigar shop where they remained. Alvarez walked into the shop and stood in front of Zobelle.
"We got to go."
"We wait" Zobelle snapped back
"I got guys with outstanding warrants. Those cops start running plates you'll lose half of your escort" Alvarez told him
Zobelle took out his phone and dialed Polly's number. Polly looked at her cellphone and declined the call. She stepped out of the car and Gemma pulled her car a few spots behind. Harley parked her bike behind the car and jumped in the front seat.
"Gemma what the hell are we doing here?" Harley hissed
Gemma didn't answer.
"It's done Gemma. I killed Weston today. I killed him myself. Jax, chibs, and ope were there. It's done." Harley told her.
Gemma watched Polly wall into the house.
"My son, my husband, their brothers. They're out their risking their lives, their freedom for me and you. You killed a man today damn it. You were raped so I wouldn't have to be!" Gemma told her
"This is how I do my part" Gemma mumbled
"God's put her in my path. So I can fix that part of us that they ripped open."
"Do you even hear what the fuck you're saying?" Harley looked at her like she was insane.
"Get my grandson home safe. Love you harley baby. I'm glad you're with my boy" Gemma smiled st her
"Gem please don't do this" Harley begged her.
"It'll be ok." Gemma kissed her cheek and stepped out of the car following Polly as Harley stepped over to half sack.
"What's she doing?" Half sack asked
"I need you to get my bike down the road somewhere as fast as you can and as far away from here as possible. Get your ass back here quickly. She may need to get out fast." Harley told sack with urgent eyes and he did what he was told. Luckily opies house was only five minutes away with no stops and exceeding the speed limit. He peeled out on her bike as Harley sped away in the car with Abel.

Polly knocked on the door to Edmonds house and Stahl went and hid. Holding her gun.
"Edmond are you here?" Polly looked around the house.
"Where are you " She asked before turned to see him laying deaf on the floor.
"Eddie? Oh god" she whispered she grabbed her gun out of her purse and stepped towards him. Stahl was hiding behind the wall ready to shoot when Gemma stepped through the door.
"Put down the gun." Gemma spoke. Polly turned around.
"You're the one that killed him" she put her head down.
"Wasn't me. Turn around" Gemma kicked the door closed with her foot. Polly raised tbegun to her head and then took a swift move at Gemma and Gemma fired striking Polly in the chest. Polly fell to the floor as Gemma walked forward and sat down on the couch in the house. She let out a breathy sigh before Stahl stepped out from behind the wall with a gun pointed at Gemma.
Gemma raised her hands and looked to Edmonds body.
"Bloody day for both of us" Gemma cocked an eyebrow.
"Push the gun on the floor" Stahl commanded Gemma threw it to the ground. Stahl picked up the gun Polly was holding and walked in front of Gemma.
"Was she involved in the rape?" Stahl questioned her
"I'm sorry that that happened to you"
"And now what happens?" Gemma asked her
"Go, ill give you some time to slip away." Stahl sat down
"And why would you do that?" Gemma cocked
"At least go see your family before we pick you up." Stahl spoke "but head out the back avoid my guys in the front. I'm giving you s chance. Go." Gemma got up and walked away as stahl spoke "Hey" she tossed her a gun and raised one at her.
"What are you doing?" Gemma asked
"You need to put down the gun" Stahl smiled
"You are a smart bitch" Gemma dropped the gun
"Clocks ticking darling" Stahl grinned
She walked over to the table and sat down. She grabbed her scanner. "This is Stahl. Status update. Cameron Hayes never showed. The girlfriend Polly Zobelle did. I told Edmond to get rid of her but before he could clay morrows old lady followed her in armed. She sucker punched me, took my gun, shot the girl in the chest. Edmond panicked and ran for the door, Gemma shot him in the back with my weapon. He's dead she took off and I couldn't stop her." Stahl said over the scanner. Edmonds dad cameron had tapped in and heard the news Stahl had just made up.
Cameron began to cry. "Oh, mother Mary." He sobbed
"Shit! Eddy" he cried
"My boy!" He shouted
Half sack waiting outside the house saw the cars and sped off. Cameron Hayes just happened to see him and followed the prospect.

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