It was truly massive and quite impressive. Nothing that you would ever in your wildest dreams be able to afford. Easily, you could spend all day hiding here. Now, you had to hope that Tom might want to do the same.

You ran off into the maze that was the hotel, searching for any sign of him. You checked the lounge, the library, hidden rooms on the second floor that out into the lobby, but you didn't find him.

With one last ditched effort, you decided to go up to his room. You figured this would've been the first place Zach checked, so you didn't bother in the beginning, but it was all you had left. You marched your way up there, annoyed at how much time you had spent agonizing over this. You didn't realize it until later, but you spent 45 minutes searching the hotel. In sweatpants. In front of everyone.

You probably looked crazy.

When you reached his room, you banged on the door, refusing to leave any room for question. At this point, this was just immature and stupid. Part of you was slightly nervous that something might have happened to him, and it gave you a little bit of anxiety that took you back to times you didn't want to think about.

You banged on the door again. "Tom, I swear if you're in there I'm going to kick your ass!"

But, moments later, the elevator down the hallway dinged. You stepped back from Tom's door, trying to seem natural, but that didn't last long. Tom stepped out of the elevator with a smug smile on his face that made your blood boil in anger. But, that wasn't the only reason. The real reason was because of the girl wrapped around his arm wearing a tight dress and six inch heals.

You didn't hold back.

"You have got to be kidding me," you spitted out with venom in your voice.

Tom fumbled for a second, surprised to see you and clearly uncomfortable with the anger you were expressing. After a moment, he recovered and made his way toward you. The girl with him looked to the side awkwardly.

"What?" he asked, as if he didn't already know.

"What are you thinking? Were you seen?" you shouted.

Tom scoffed, and you stood in front of his door to block him from going in.

"No, I wasn't seen. Now move over."

You raised your eyebrows.

"Uh no." You turned to the girl. "I'm sorry, but Tom is actually busy right now. Could see yourself out? Thank you, buh-bye."

The girl rolled her eyes and detached her arm from Tom's, without a word she walked lazily back to the elevator.

"What the hell was that for?" Tom asked while turning to you intensely.

"Oh, don't play dumb. Ryan and Zach are going to literally kill you," you said while grabbing his arm and dragging him down the hallway. "That's is–if I don't first."

He shook you off his arm.

"Just leave me alone!"

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as you stood facing him in the small hallway.

"Listen, I get that your all upset that you have people actively trying to make you seem like not an awful person, but if you were seen today... if you were seen do you know how bad that would look for me? I'm contracted into this Tom. So, yeah, go sleep with whoever you want but I still have to show up the next day and pretend like I love you. And I'm sure I'll just love looking like an actual idiot to the entire world when I keep going back to my cheating boyfriend."

You paused and took a breath. Tom just stared at you with wide eyes.

"So, we're going to go find Ryan, and you're going to explain to him what happened."

With that, you turned around, leading him down the hallway back to Ryan's room. He was silent the whole way there.

To say that Ryan was upset would be an understatement. The moment Tom admitted where he was, albeit begrudgingly, Ryan was on the phone talking to one of his PR buddies and asking him to find out if anyone had seen Tom with the random girl, who Tom didn't even know the name of.


Ryan probably yelled at him for a good hour and a half before he finally began to calm down. Throughout it all, Tom just looked down at a spot on the floor, only responding when Ryan wanted confirmation he was listening and understanding.

At the end, he explained how he was able to rearrange the date he had planned for tomorrow morning.

"Y/N," Ryan said, turning to you, "Do me a favor and walk Tom back to his room, and make sure he gets there. You two are free to go."

Awkwardly, you followed Tom out Ryan's hotel room and into the hallway. The moment that the door shut behind you, Tom turned to you.

"I can handle getting back to my room."

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever."

You followed him there anyway. The whole time he kept turning back to you and muttering under his breath.

And finally when you reached his room, he walked in without turning back, letting the door slam behind him.

What a diva, you thought.

You were frustrated, and that's all you could think about your entire way back to your tiny apartment. If Tom had been seen tonight, you both would've been screwed. It was like he was actively trying to screw this up as much as he could.

After the attitude he gave you tonight, you were sure that tomorrow would be interesting.


AN: Okay, yes, this was kind of boring, but I'm still kind of building the story right now. If it makes you feel better, Tom is slightly less mean in this fic compared to Hostility. Thanks for sticking around guys, and make sure you are interacting . I literally live off of feedback!

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