Chapter 5

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Iida wakes the next morning to a text from an unknown number.

I have a plan, it reads. Meet me today @ noon. Then there is the address for a ramen place close to his apartment.

Iida stares at it for half a minute, too sleepy for it to compute. He rubs his eyes. It's probably Bakugou, but just to make sure, he texts, Who is this?

The response comes not long after: its Bakugou you dumb fuck

Iida huffs a laugh of surprise. Well, fine, he thinks, and responds with the same coldness (if not the same language): I don't recall discussing any kind of "plan" with you?

look just meet me there ok? I can explain it to you

Okay, Iida responds, pressing send before he properly thinks it over. Oh well; even if it's a waste of time, at least he won't have to cook himself lunch.


Bakugou's already there when Iida arrives. "Took you long enough," he says. It is 11:55.

"What's this plan you mentioned?" Iida asks.

"Cutting right to the chase, huh? I'm still deciding what to order. Give me a second."

Iida's been here a dozen times and always gets the same thing. He's stuck watching Bakugou scan the menu, flipping back and forth between pages. Iida wonders if he is buying time, if he's unsure how to begin the conversation.

Finally, after they order, Bakugou looks back up at him. "Sero is ignoring me," he says. "I told you about how he wouldn't talk to me at the party? He won't answer my texts, either."

"Why are you trying to reach him?"

"I told you yesterday," Bakugou says, annoyed. "To talk to him about that video thing. Outside of work, away from his hag girlfriend."

"Are - are you talking about Fujita?"

"I mean, he's got a thing for her, right?"

Iida blinks, saying nothing. He has no idea.

"Anyways, I really want to talk to him about this before going back to work. I don't wanna go in and have everyone laughing at me behind my back because they watched us trapped in that room for a week."

"Bakugou," Iida says, trying to make his words gentle, "I'm sure they will remain completely professional."

"As professional as me and Todoroki were when we were fucking," Bakugou says. "As professional as Sero, mooning over his goddamn boss. God, you're so clueless! Of course they'll be professional to your face, but as soon as you turn around..."

"We did absolutely nothing for which we will be mocked," Iida says, his voice firm. "I have full confidence that, no matter how many people saw the footage, none of us will have to endure any teasing." He hesitates before adding, "Besides, who would mock someone for being kidnapped?"

"Even if they don't mock us," Bakugou says quietly, "I still want to know."

Iida looks at him. He's staring down at the wood of the table in front of them, running a finger back and forth along the grain, pointedly not making eye contact. "What's your plan?" Iida says.

Bakugou looks up. "I want you to text Sero. Ask to meet with him tonight or tomorrow."

"Under what pretense?"

"It doesn't fucking matter. Say anything! Say... say you want to train with him to make sure you're back in shape for going back on Monday. Or say you lost the detective's business card, does he have his number?"

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