re-draw, 2017-19 (07/06/19)

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Here's the re-draw I promised owo

Original (2017):

Ew right?  I hope I at least got better at drawing then this ;-; Anyway-

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

Ew right?  I hope I at least got better at drawing then this ;-;

Now (2019):

I used my brush markers cause sadly, the pens I used for the original left us, cause of old age (can I get a rip in the chat)

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

I used my brush markers cause sadly, the pens I used for the original left us, cause of old age (can I get a rip in the chat)

I think she looks friendlier, take that as you will, idk if it's good or bad lol
Also feel free to criticise the hair, I know it's horrible, I tried ;-;

I promise I'll try posting more regularly lol, I'm still tryna establish a schedule

Have a magnificent day

Art book!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora