[06] Champion's Nerves

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Around 2 months after the start of the school year had passed it was finally announced that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would be coming on October 30th. Every student was tingling with excitement and many conversations about who was going to enter the tournament was a hot topic amongst friend groups. Although Aaron's friend group had many people who were over the legal age to enter the tournament, they decided that only Cedric would be entering. The rest of them were either too rich, didn't exactly want to participate or in general just didn't care for the tournament. They all knew about the pressure that Cedric had from his father about the tournament, so they collectively said that they would support Cedric in the tournament.

"Mate are you ready for the tournament?" Aaron said as he clapped Cedric on the back with a smile on his face when he walked into the library.

"There's not even a guarantee that I will actually be chosen alright?" Cedric rolled his eyes and pushed Aaron's hand off his back.

Aaron grimaced before he said apologetically, "Sorry dude, I know how much you hate people talking about it."

"Sorry Aaron, I'm just stressed about this whole situation. As much as I want to compete, I wish it wasn't so much of a pressured thing. I mean people could die." Cedric sighed and put his Herbology textbook down.

"Do you want me to wait for Nat or Cho to comfort you or?" Aaron asked Cedric as he knew that those two could always put Cedric in a better mood.

"Don't worry, Natalie should be coming soon." Cedric shrugged before he said, "She said she would help me with the potions essay I've been struggling with. I know how much feelings make you uncomfortable for you."

"Don't sweat it, I know I'm pretty horrible at comforting people but, just so you know, whatever you choose to do, we're here for you Ceddy." Aaron smiled as he spotted Natalie walking towards them in the library and waved her towards the table they were at.

Natalie spotted her two male best friends and skipped towards the table. She then snapped her fingers and all the things that she needed for the study session was placed onto the table and a collection of potions notes flowed out of her bag onto Cedric's side of the table. She then smiled and said, "There's the potions notes you need for the latest essay we have to complete for Snape's class. If you have any questions just ask jaygi."

"Thank you, you're honestly a lifesaver for potions. How are you never fucking stressed?" Cedric harshly ruffled his hair before he looked up at the disapproving stare of Natalie.

"You know the reason I'm never stressed but what's got you in a mood jaygi? You're usually quite composed." She paused before it clicked and she turned towards Aaron with a 'get out of here look' and said, "Ok so we aren't going to talk in the library about your problems so let's get going to the kitchens. I'm sure you've been at it for a while now, so I'm going to pack all of your studying things and you're going to have a relaxing day." She waved her hand and everything that she had just taken out made it's way back into both her and Cedric's bags and turned towards Aaron who was walking away and made a grabbing motion with her hands and said, "Good try you git, you're also coming and I'm also going to invite Hermione, her and I have much to discuss."

The three made it to the kitchens after Natalie addressed a letter to Hermione and the paper swan flew to the destination it was meant to go. They tickled the pear and a house elf by the name of Pippy came up to them and said, "Ms. Choi, Mr. Diggory and Mr. Park are back! What can I get for you?"

"Now Pippy, how many times have I said to call us by our first names." Natalie scolded the house elf with a smile on her face before she said, "I think just some mint tea with some sugar on the side would be great for all of us."

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