Chapter Five

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Her father glanced worriedly at the crowded front door of their school. He turned to look at her and she shrugged.

"What happened there?" he asked.

"I don't know dad. Anyways, gotta go." she answered before giving her dad a soft peck on his cheek.

He smiled as she slid out of her dad's car. Soon after, he was out of her sight.

She sighed. 'Course she knew what happened. Vea, her classmate, just called her awhile ago.

Something bad had happened inside their school. Melissa, a girl from her grade was found dead inside the girl's lockers.

Melissa was never a friend to her. True, once in a while, whenever they met in the hallway they would share few smiles. But that was it all. She was pretty sure the girl never knew her name, anyways.

But the thought that she heard her scream last night was unnerving. Yes, she concluded it was Melissa. If not, then who was it?

She glanced back at the front door still packed up with students. A minute after, few men, walked out while carrying something like a foldable bed. Only that she knew it wasn't. And that lying in there, was Melissa's dead body.

"Hey." she heard someone spoke.beside her, and when she turned around, she saw Jam.

"Hey, Jam." she answered, her voice a bit shaky.

Jam gave her a small smile. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just a bit shaken off." she answered again, tucking a few curly strands of her hair.

"Geez. Don't be dramatic." Jam teased and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not being dramatic, Jam. It's just that..."

"Just what?"

She sighed. She wanted to tell Jam that she heard Melissa screamed last night. And yet, she was feeling a bit scared. What if Jam would think she killed her?

"Nothing." she looked away and sighed.

"Yeah right." Jam said, rolling her eyes.

"Let's go in." Jam nudged her.

She sighed. "I thought classes are suspended?"

"Yeah, yeah. But I still want to go inside. Like hello, it's not everyday the police found a dead body in our school. It's cool."

"Very funny, Jam. It's not cool! Someone just died. Worse part is, inside our school. Not cool at all."

Jam shook her head and stared at Krisha knowingly. "Death will eventually come at any of us, Krisha. What's the fuss? You could die here, in front of me or you could die in that school too. But it wouldn't make any difference. We're all gonna end up the same, anyway."

Krisha felt the truth in Jam's words. And yet, she's too stubborn to believe or accept it.

Death. She wouldn't accept it.

"Come." Jam nudged her at her stomach and she gave her friend a small smile.

She followed her through the busy hallway, where everyone had this grim look in their faces. They had passed the girl's lockers and surprisingly, the usual police tape "police line, do not cross" is not around.

She sighed and thought about last night. If she had listened to the scream and followed where it came from, would she save Melissa? Would it make any difference?

And now, by thinking about it, she realized one thing she almost forgot.

"Someone's probably playing."

His words from last night echoed all through out her mind.

Could it be...

No, that's impossible. How could Zeke know that something bad is happening inside?

But in the first place, she should've used her brain. Of course, no one in their right minds would play inside the school especially during at night.

Unless, if they were playing something else.

She shook her head. If her presumptions are right, then Zeke is behind all of these? Maybe that explains his stiff posture, his aloof expression, always quiet, always reserved.

Could it be...

No, again, it's impossible. How could a boy, perhaps not more than eighteen be involved of this? Clearly, she doesn't see the logic.

Her gaze rested on the locker's doors. She hesitated at first, but then she drew a deep breath and held the knob, twisting it in the process.

The door swung open.

"Zeke?" she asked at the man, standing inside.

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