Chapter 8 - Astrid

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"M'lady could you pass me that rope over there?" Hiccup says from across the ship.

"Here!" I toss him the end and he pulls on it tightly.

I can't believe our wonderful getaway to the edge has come to a close.

Except for the unwanted visit of our friends, the entire week was incredible.

Hiccup and I have grown closer than ever before. Mind to mind. Body to body. Spirit to spirit. Heart to heart.

I always knew him more than anyone else, but being on this honeymoon really has shown me a new side of him. Like how he likes to sleep on the side of the bed with the window so he can see out. How he must touch my face every now and then "to make sure this is real", which a little strange but he's a dork anyway.

But most importantly how he looks at me every time we touch or connect. He is so mindful and gentle with me within the walls of our bedroom.

I have grown to love him so much more.

"Well, back to our duty" he says looking out on the vast blue ocean.

"Back for you. Arriving for me" I smile.

"Oh Astrid you know you've lead them longer than our marriage" he puts an arm around me.


The giant island of New Berk soon comes into view, just as it starts to snow again.

It's freezing and I have gotten a little seasick on the journey.

I can't wait to get back home and rest from the long voyage.

We dock shortly and the whole village comes to greet us.

"Welcome home Chief and Chieftess!" We hear left and right.

Hiccup takes my hand in his and I nod to thank him as he helps me off the ship.

Once on the deck, he holds his arm out so I can link mine to his. We are showered in loving cheers and applause. This isn't a new feeling but definitely unfamiliar in the context it's coming from.

We reach the Great Hall and Valka is standing there to greet us, "Welcome home son and daughter".

She gives a polite subtle bow, but we end up embracing her in a warm hug as she chuckles.

"Well now that you have returned, great tasks are at hand. Both of your presences are summoned tomorrow for a gathering of elders. But for now... I would like to show you something" she smiles and leads us down a path to the left of the Great Hall.

I realize this is a newly made path towards Hiccup's house.

My wonderful mother-in-law opens the door and it mostly looks the same.

"We have cleaned it up for you and built on to the upstairs for both you and whatever the future brings you" she says as she motions for us to go upstairs.

There it is again with "the future".

What is it with these people, I've been married a week and they're already talking about us having children!
Don't get me wrong, I know it will come eventually but why rush? Now that we are husband and wife, we can do more things together as the Chief and Chieftess such as planning and negotiating with the other islands and tribes.

Can I just enjoy all of Hiccup to myself for just a thor-forsaken minute before we had more chaos to the mix.

"Chief! There's something we need you to look over down south of the square" I hear Gobber's voice downstairs.

"Agh. Okay, uh COMING!" Hiccup calls and he leaves our spot looking into the second bedroom.

"I'll come too" I follow right on his heel.

"Oh Astrid you're exhausted from the trip. Stay here and rest. It's probably no big deal, I'll come get you if it is" he stops me in my tracks, holding me by the shoulders.

I glare at him with forceful eyes.

"Astrid, please I want you..." he starts but I raise an eyebrow.

"Of course you won't stay, you're Astrid" he says in an annoying tone, but I smile and follow.

"Sorry mom, we'll take the extended tour later" he says to his mother.

Before we leave the house Valka holds me back a little and we walk maybe 30 feet behind Hiccup as we walk down.

"How was the trip?" She asks and I blush, slightly embarrassed because I am in fact talking my new husband's mom.

She notices, "oh my dear I won't ask for gruesome details but, did everything go smoothly? How are you feeling?"

Why does everyone all of a sudden worry about my health? Hiccup and I are a very healthy... active married couple. Which is good for me, they need to stop acting like the possibility of pregnancy is a disease.

"I'm fine" is all I manage to say. "Yes everything about the trip was a dream and wonderful but..." I begin.

"But what?" She pushes.

"I... I don't know why people all of the sudden are so interested in how I'm feeling or how much I'm eating or how I got seasick on the way home..."

"You got seasick on the way home? Astrid you don't get seasick" she points out and a wave of anxiety hits me.

"I know... I think I'm tired... there's been so much emotion the last week and a half" I say looking down.

Everything inside of me was spinning and churning.

The last few months have been an emotional typhoon and I guess it's all hitting me like it did Hiccup. Becoming second in command of New Berk, getting married, the possibility of being a mother has scared me beyond comprehension.

"Astrid, you are so strong and you have been everything I could ever ask for my son, but I care about you too. I know how it feels to be a young married Chieftess with no I idea what I was doing. But that's not who you are. You are a warrior and have fought for our freedoms your whole life. You have more in you than I did. I... wish I did more with Stoick as his Chieftess before Cloudjumper took me away. Even though they didn't listen to me at the time. But they will listen to you. Hiccup knows he doesn't have to lead alone.... show him why" she says with a hand on my back. I didn't realize we had stopped in our tracks in the middle of the village-way.

I am so thankful for her wisdom and input.

"Thank you" I smile with moisture in my eyes. I squeeze her tightly.

"I guess the main thing I'm worried about is becoming a mom" I confess and she looks at me like I have antlers coming out of my head.

"I became pregnant with Hiccup not too long after I got married. And I was terrified. But Astrid, you are beyond capable of motherhood. You just need to believe in yourself and be ready to love like you never have before"

I am comforted. Somewhat.

I don't think I'll ever be ready...

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