000 : Prologue

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Celebrating birthdays was never your idea but because your two bestfriends are really pushing it, you made it to go outside and socialize even just for once. You can't believe it's been 19 years of being a couch potato, broke, and socially awkward. On the bright side, this is your last year of being a teenager so you thought of changing habits.

"Wait here, we're going to buy ice creams okay?" Chaemi said with a smile on her face. Ice cream has always been your favorite dessert. Chocolate flavor to be more specific. 

"But, I can join you, right?" you asked awkwardly, scratching your nails into one another. The two girls chuckled and keep on insisting that you don't have to join them buy the desserts and you suddenly felt suspicious about it.

"Listen birthday girl, we're fine. Just stay there and relax a bit. Wait for us, okay?" Somi said and waved at you.

Being the slightly naive girl that you are, you chose to give them a nod and a smile. Besides, waiting here for a few minutes won't hurt.

The wind seemed to be calm and is brushing on your skin softly. It made you feel a very warm and soothing feeling making you close your eyes for a second. You came into realization that being alone in a place like this is as good as how it feels being alone at home. Solitude.

Few minutes had passed and your friends aren't back yet so you took your phone to go check on them. But, before you could set your eyes on the phone, your eyes were fixed on the other side of the road.

I've been seeing this guy for almost an hour now. You thought to yourself as you prepared for what might happen.

He can't be a snatcher nor a kidnapper ; he's too good-looking to be one. Looking a his figure, he has a well built body of a man. his leather jacket and the white shirt underneath it and his ripped jeans made him even more attractive.

You bit your lower lip when you soon realized, you were checking him out. However, you admit that he's quite attractive and appealing regardless of your gut feeling that he might be up to something. Or are you just overthinking it?

You also noticed that he has a bruise on his upper left cheek. Being a fan of teen romance movies you thought of him as the guy in movies who's always in trouble or for short - a bad boy. It's a bummer that this ain't a movie. You were too mesmerized that it made your heartbeat accelerating the moment the both of you made a straight eye contact. You immediately looked down on your phone thinking that was so awkward.

"Shit. I thought this was gonna be a good idea. I rather go home." you said to yourself and stood up, walking out of the park.

You texted your bestfriends that you've got a message from your Mom and it's an emergency an apologized for leaving so soon. The lies you tell just to get out of public places.

You looked back and saw that the guy was nowhere to be seen. Anxiety started kicking off so you picked up your pace and started walking fast. The moment you turned by the corner, a black van stops right in front of you. This was the moment you knew, you have to run. But it was too late.

Unfortunately, today wasn't your lucky day.

A guy from behind pulled you and put a handkerchief on your nose that quickly made you fell drowsy. You tried to fight it but you can't so you slowly gave in to drowsiness and fell on slumber.

Not a chance to scream, not a chance to shout for help, and not a chance to see their faces before falling to sleep.

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