The Boy Next Door-Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Lucie

“Ahhhhh I haven’t got a shirt on get out !!!” I half scream as the door opens and Patrick stares at me ( or my cleavage ).

“Why are you still standing there?” I say trying to cover myself with my shirt.

“Uhh sorry, I thought this was the toilet” he blushes.

“Its one door down”

“Thanks” He smiles slightly then closes the door.

I quickly put on my black skinnys and my black hoodie with my red converse.

I walk down stairs and see Julie waiting at the bottom for me.

“Hey bub, ready to go?” Julie said hugging me tightly.

She was wearing fish net tights and a mini skirt with a black tank top and black converse.

“Umm we have to wait for Patrick…” I say blushing slightly.

“Who’s Patrick!?” Julie asks excited.

“My next door neighbor, He’s coming with us if you don’t mind”

“He’s more than welcome” Julie said looking up the stairs at Patrick who was coming down the stairs.

“Umm Patrick this is Julie, Julie this is Patrick” I introduce them.

“What’s cooking good looking!” she said trying to flirt, she completely failed with the cheeky talk thing, all she needed was her face and body and that was enough for the boys.

“Uhh..” Patrick said.

“Sorry about her, she’s a bit of a whore” I laugh.

Julie hits me over the head jokingly.

“Well we should go cause the movie starts in 20 minutes and I want good seats!” She walks out the front door, we both follow in silence.


Sorry about how short the parts are, im just really lazy(:



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