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      After everything was all said and done I found my brother and pulled him into me. I walked over to Zero and he crashed me into his chest, then pointed his gun at Yuki,"the next time I see you I'll kill you," he said.
     "Then I won't stop running. Goodbye Tala, Zero," Yuki said.
       I pushed from Zero's hold and smashed into Yuki with a hug, she wrapped her arms around me.
      "Where will you go?" She asked.
      "I'm staying right here," I smiled.
      "Tala, no. You have to come with me," Akatski said.
      "I wish I could, but I have people here. I'll be safe with Kien and Zero. Plus I'm a hunter myself," I smiled.
       "Fine. Promise to write?" Akatski asked.
    "I promise," I hugged him again.
      I also hugged Hanbusa, Ruka, Yuki(again), and even Kaname before they left. Senri and Rima stayed together to do their modeling.
        "You choose not to go. Why?" Zero asked as we watched them leave.
      "I made a promise to you," I said.
     "But he's your brother."
       "And an Aristocrat, and tall, and an idiot. Are we just stating facts about Akatski now?" I smiled.
    "Tala, you just choose me over family."
       "You are family, just not in the sense as he is. I made a promise to stand by you until you fall. I can't kill you if I'm not with you," I smiled.
      "Fair enough," he smiled and kissed me.
     "Are you 2 done? I could use some help with clean up!" Yagari yelled.
     I laughed and Zero glared. He pecked me one more time on the lips and we got to it.
           *Several Years Later*
          Yuki And Kaname got married and had a baby. Zero and I finished and graduated from Cross Academy. Zero consumed enough of my pureblood blood to not fall to Level E. He popped the question shortly after graduation and now 2 years later we have a little one on the way.
      We see Kaname, Yuki, and the baby a lot, Zero didn't hold his word to Yuki clearly. Akatski visits us a lot more then Kein and Yagari, who all now show up every day after hearing about the baby.
     I guess you could say...everything isn't what is seems.

    A/N: I really hope you enjoyed this story☺️ I know the whole several years is totally out of character for Zero, but he kinda was off the whole story🙃 Anywho, that's the end. Thanks for the read!🖤

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