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LD. 21M (April)

The months are passing quickly and July is approaching soon. Is it wrong to be excited about the festival when it's months away? Maybe?

Mark has been calling me less latley. He reassured me that it was because he was extremely busy dealing with his house and the move. I don't mind too much though, I got a job not to long ago and it's taken up a lot of my time too. When we do call however, it's for hours on end. Even with our time zone difference.

Mark has also been asking me about moving to Simul with him. Obviously I freaked out. He had mentioned it before but I didn't really think it through enough. I think it would be a good idea. I can't stay in my parent's house forever. I should look into it more...


Sorry these are such filler chapters. I promise it'll be better soon ahh 💗💗

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