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— Writer's note —

This is just a short little something I really wanted to write because I love soulmate AUs too much.

Whenever something is in italics, it's Kirishima to Bakugou through their minds. When something is italic and bold, that's Bakugou to Kirishima in their minds. This can change to different people depending on context (Like how Mitsuki and Masaru do it at the beginning).

Alsoooo, I've made up Kirishima's parents because currently, we know nothing about 'em.

— Happy reading! —

Why does it take forever?

Bakugou heard a whining voice as he sat playing in the living room, an obnoxious program on the TV playing the same episode for the fourth time that day.

He looked away from his toys and over to the TV before his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't recognise the voice of that character.

Can't we just go faster than the traffic?

As the confused Bakugou crawled closer to the TV, his mother looked up from her phone to notice his sudden lack of interest in the toys he'd gotten the day before, and how he suddenly went quiet, no longer making explosion sounds with his mouth.

"If you sit too close to the TV then your eyes will go square, Katsuki," Mitsuki commented, finding the way he was sat slightly amusing as his neck was straining to see.

"Mommy, who's that?" He asked. You'd expect him to be pointing at the TV or something, but he wasn't.

"Who's who?"

"That voice," Katsuki seemed so sure of himself, talking as if it was obvious and that his mother was downright insane.

"Honey, what voice?" The female Bakugou shook her head, becoming slightly wary of the things her son was saying. She paused the TV, making sure that it wasn't something he was hearing on there.

"Listen!" He stood up and ran to her, standing expectedly as he was awaiting a response.

I don't need a car seat anymore. I'm a big boy!

"That one! That said about a car seat," he was almost convinced his mother was messing with him, but the look of seriousness on her face soon convinced him otherwise. "What? You're scaring me..." he pouted, crossing his arms in an exaggerated manner.

Kids didn't learn about soulmates until they had started school. Bakugou hadn't yet, and Masaru and Mitsuki sure hadn't told him, so this immediately alarmed her. He had no reason at all to be making this up.

Masaru, get your perky ass down here right the fuck now.

She broadcasted to her soulmate, who was doing some decorating work upstairs. Almost immediately, there were numerous rumbles coming from the stairs as Masaru bound down them, huffing and panting as soon as he reached the bottom, taking his glasses off as they had fogged up.

"Is everything okay?" He huffed out, noticing the look of urgency on his wife's face and a look of fear on his son's.

"He's... He's hearing a voice," Mitsuki said, her breathing obviously hitching slightly.

Masaru's eyes widened as he placed his glasses back over them, quickly scuttling towards the two and taking a seat next to Mitsuki on the couch.

"A voice, you say?" He asked his son, putting a smile on his face to try and convince Katsuki to open up more. He was always better at these sorts of things.

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