Chapter 2- The Interrogations Begin

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Multiple sightings of a strange cloud over the city. Described as a blue cloud of static, one pulsating with negative energy. Moments later seven small children fell through, each around the age of 13. They have been taken into custody until we know more about them. I'm the one who must discover their secrets. I walk through the precinct, meeting Hank outside the interrogation rooms.

"This one's weird, Connor."

"I'm sure we can figure it out"

"I'm not." I tilt my head, looking at Hank with the human look of confusion.

"Why not?"

"Seven 13-year-olds fell through a cloud 15 feet in the air. None of the have talked. All we know is that they aren't androids, but they aren't humans either. Not of this world, anyway."

"Hmm. I'll question them now, then."

"Go ahead."

I walk to the first room, pressing my hand on the scanner. My artificial skin peels back and the scanner scans what's beneath. The door opens, revealing a boy with short black hair and slightly darkened skin. I scan him. Mexican American. Born with a stutter. Normal heartbeat. Umbrella tattoo on his left wrist. He has no records on this world, not even a birth certificate. I sit down.

"W-w-who a-are y-you and wh-what d-do you w-want?"

"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife."

"A-Andr-r-r-oid?" So he doesn't know of Androids. "L-like m-m-mom? So he does

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