We finished our performance happily. Im so relieved when Lisa showed up and not screwed us up. I head back to our table in the middle of our walk, some groups compliment us bout our performance and some were greeting us. As soon as we make it to our table i seat at my chair. Im expecting that Lisa will seat beside me but she again sit beside Chaeng.

"Lisa?" I called her and when she looked at me i point the chair beside me signalling her to sit there.

"Ahh im okay here Nini" She said in a cold tone. What's with the coldness? I just nod and let her.

"Thank you for that wonderful performance Blackpink you girls are so amazing and talented women. Now, this guys were all of you waiting for! Let's start the PARTY!" The emcee said then the disco lights starts to roam all over the place.

'Is Lisa avoiding me?'

Lisa's POV

"I almost passed out! I thought you're not going to show up!" Chaeng said when we seat. I laugh at her reaction, she's really glaring at me right now.

"I got back here and you guys were not here, i think that you just go to the CR but when i heard the intro of Kill This Love i run to the stage. I even got some wound here cause i didn't saw  the screw at the back stage and it hurts so much" I said and look at the wound in my arm. Fuck it hurts so much, Chaeng's eyes got widen. It's not that big, like a size of a thumb.

"Oh my gosh Lalisa! Can you be careful?!" She said that caught the attention of Jisoo. She looked at me and my wound her eyes got also widen and sit beside me.

"What the fuck Lisa! Where did you get that?!" She shouted. I got scared that Jennie might heard it and scold me but i was relieved when she's on her phone and not minding us.

"Im okay! Act normal Jennie might saw this" I said in a whisper. They just glared at me. I hold Chaeng's hand and pulled her, i was pulling her to the Pond where there's a bridge. I first got a champagne and go straight there. Chaeng's just letting me to pull her.

"Where are we going Lisa?" She asked cause we're slightly far from the event.

"Here, it's quiet here" I said and lean at the bridge.

"Is it really because it's quiet here or you want to avoid Jennie?" She said. I sigh cause she's right.

"Yeah right." I said and rolled my eyes and avert my attention at the fish in this pond.

"Wait, i'll get a champagne" She said, i was about to stop but i saw here running back to the event. My mind again invade by the brown haired girl. What is she doing? Is she with Kai? Is she having fun? Yes she is! She might can't go close Kai but i know she's happy with just staring at him. That's how she love Kai.

"Got it!" Chaeng said while panting. I look at her and she's holding up a BOTTLE?! of champagne! A BIG BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE!

"WHAT THE HELL PARK CHAEYOUNG?!" I looked at her she's unbelievable. Where did she got this?

"Let's get the party started!" She said and open the champagne. I smiled and just go with the flow. I want to be happy tonight and forget about Jennie atleast for a while.

Chaeyoung's POV

We almost finished this whole bottle of Champagne and Lisa's now drunk. She's wasted and saying things about Jennie and it hurts me so much. I looked at her she's looking up in the sky and her eyes is a half closed. Gosh Lalisa you're so beautiful.

"Why does she can't love me?" She said. I should be the one who should asked you that. I'll stay silent and just listen to her.

"Is it because im a girl? We're both girls?" She again said and tears were flowing down her eyes, it hurts to see her crying so i rest my head in her shoulder and take a sip at my Champagne.

"Remember when she said in MBC that Love is not necessarily directed to a guy? That it's not about gender. It's how you feel for a person right?" I remained silent. I heard her sob so i looked at her.

"Lisa, let's go your too drunk." I said but she stand up straight and faced me. I froze she cornered me between her hands and move her head near mine. I can smell the alcohol and her eyes were half closed.

"Can you love me Chaeyoung?" She said. My eyes  got widen and my breathing stops.

"Ahmmm" I can utter a word, she got impatient and i looked at her eyes and she's looking at my lips.

"What does it taste like? I want to know" She said and got closer to mine. Oh fuck! Is she going to Kiss me? I closed my eyes and i felt her lips over mine. She starts to move her lips Fuck my heart beats so fast! Is this really happening? Her lips taste so sweet i wanna cry. I was about to respond with her kisses but she suddenly broke the kiss and she was about to fall but i immediately hold her. Now she's leaning on me. Lisa passed out we seat in the bridge so that she's comportable. I sigh and looked at her.

"I love you so much Lalisa, you can use to move on" I said and kiss her head.

A/N: Trash update right? Vote if you agree!
Spread the Love not the Legs!

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