Part 1

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(Y/N P.O.V)

The sky is blue and bird chirping as they sing a beautiful song. This is your third day of your vacation in S-city. You decided to go outside for a walk and also to buy some stuff. You walk to the street shop and look around for an interesting shop. You take one step to the shop that draw your attention but then you feel an earthquake and you saw a huge flying centipede.

"attention, please evacuate quickly,  attention, please evacuate quickly, there's a monster, dragon threat in S-city,  please evacuate quickly"

after you saw the centipede, you'd hear the siren. You'd feel panic, everyone tries to run away from that area and find a safe place, you stood there,  froze, you don't know where to go because you barely know the area, you don't really want to follow people because they might bring you to the wrong place, you'd feel so dizzy and your body feel so heavy.

You're out of balance and fall to the ground.

Garou P. O. V

I walk around the city to get closer to elder centipede and metal bat. A lot of people running from a different direction. I looked at them and grinned.

"the city looks so crowded today" I mumbled.

But then,  i saw a girl, laying down unconcious at the ground. I walk closer and tap her shoulder.

"excuse me, miss?"
No response.

I checked her pulse and she's still alive.

Y/N P. O. V

You slowly opened my eyes,  and  you've been carried by someone on their back.

"u-urgh... " you groan.

"oh? You're awake?" he asked.

"y-yes... Where am I...?" you asked.

"you're still in s-city,  miss. I am trying to find a safe place for you, but seems like everywhere is not safe for now. " he answered.

"my name.. Is (Y/N) by the way... And I am not originally live here.. I was on my vacation.." you don't know why but you decided to explain your situation to him, that is only a stranger to you.

"I see. Could you tell me where are you staying at? Because I need to do something actually, and I need to be there quick." he asked

You'd look around your pocket to find the hotel card because the name of the hotel was hard for you to remember,  but the card is missing.

"shit! I-i think I lost my hotel card!!  That's the only way to find out where I'm staying!" you answered panically.

"..... I will help you out,  but I really need to do something right now." said that silver haired man while looking around the place.

He'd stare at the empty daycare building and decided to go inside.

"umm why are we going here? " you asked.

"listen, seems like this place is safe for now. After I do my business I will come back and try to help you to find your place. So don't go anywhere and stay here" he answered while covering up the windows with unused paper that he found on the kids locker.

"...alright..." you don't know why but you choose to trust this man.

You sat at the corner of the room and look at the silver haired man leaving the building. You feel like you forgot to ask something important to him. You'd think again and you just remembered that you forgot to ask his name. 


Hello!  Thank you for reading the first chapter, I hope you enjoy it!  😳😳

Total words: 595.

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