I begin to walk towards the register. I've been here too long. I wanted it to be in and out trip. Oh well.

I go to the self-checkout area and buy the milk. A worker smiles at me as I walk out. I smile back, trying to be polite.

When I get home, my dad is still in the kitchen. "What took you so long?", he asks. I don't answer him. I slide the milk over to him. "Thanks", he mumbles.

I go upstairs and shut my door. I pull out my phone. I have one missed call from Harry. My heart skips a beat. He left a voicemail as well. I hit play.

"Hey Leah, I'm sorry I didn't call yesterday. My mum was going through a rough patch. Anyway, I just want to see how you're doing. Call me when you can. Love you." The voicemail ends. Just hearing his voice makes me feel tingles run through my spine. God, I miss him.

I call him back immediately and lie back on my bed. He answers on the third ring.

"Hello", he answers. His voice. Oh his voice. Deep and raspy. "Hey Harry", I say back. "How are you doing baby? I miss you", I can hear the passion in his tone. My heart swells. "I'm okay. I just miss you so much", I wipe away a tear threatening to roll down my cheek.

He sighs into the phone. "How's Anne?", I ask. "I don't know if you heard my voicemail..", he starts. "I did", I cut him off. "Okay well she's been really weak. She's always complaining to a headache. I honestly have no idea how long she has left", he sighs. "How's Gemma handling it?", I ask. "Surprisingly well", he answers. "Well that's good. Right?", I continue. "I guess. I'm just afraid she's bottling all her emotions up", he clears his throat. "Oh", I respond.

"Let's talk about you. What have you been up to?", he questions, trying to lighten the mood. "Nothing much. I've just been doing a lot of school work", I pick at the chipped nail polish on my thumb nail. "That's boring", he laughs. "It really is", I smile.

"What are you doing about school?", I ask. "At the moment I'm taking online classes. When I return, I'll go back to the campus", he says. I twist his ring on my finger, which is becoming a new habit.

"Anything interesting going on around town that I'm missing out on?", he asks. "I wouldn't know. You'd have to ask Niall or someone who does a lot of things around town", I laugh. "Mmm", he hums.

He suddenly sound very distant. "You okay Harry?", I ask. "Yeah um I'm just trying not to fall asleep", he yawns. I forget about the time zone. "Oh God I'm sorry. I know you do so much during the day you must be exhausted", I say. "Leah it's okay", he responds.

I look at the clock it's 4pm. It has to be midnight in London. "Harry I didn't realize. Go to sleep. You can call me tomorrow", I say. "No no I'm..", He yawns again. I wish to be lying on his chest as he falls asleep. "Harry", I protest. "Okay okay. I'll call you tomorrow. I love you", he whispers. I love you too", I say, before ending the call.

I plug my phone into the charger, as Ellie walks into my bedroom. "Hey", she smiles. She drops her purse on the floor and jumps onto the bed, sitting next to me. "Hey", I say, twirling Harry's ring again.

"Where have you been?", I ask. "With Louis", she smiles. "Are you two actually dating or just you know..?", I ask. "I don't really know. I have feelings for him and I think he has feelings for me. I just don't know if "dating" would be the right word", she shrugs her shoulders. "Why?", she asks. "Just wondering", I sigh.

"Well how about we go to a party tonight", she grins. "You haven't done anything since he left. You need to get out of this house", she throws her hands up, dramatically. It must be the same party Niall was talking about. Any thought about that party vanished after I spoke with Harry.

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