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Wincing, at the sound of Mason being violently sick in the small hotel bathroom, I rose to my feet, dropping my book down on the uncomfortable bed.

Crossing over to the bathroom, I leaned on the door jam, watching as Mason dry heaved into the toilet, while Mom sat beside him on the tub rubbing his back soothingly, her forehead wrinkled in concern.

“Is he okay?” I asked, my face scrunching up in disgust as he coughed violently, splattering the white porcelain toilet with splatters of red.

“It’s his medicine.” Mom mumbled.

“Shouldn’t he stop taking it then?” I questioned.

“No,” she sighed, “I’d rather have him hear sick then……”

“Dead.” Mason coughed.

Mom frowned, “Do you need anything?”

Sitting back on his heels Mason ran his hands down his sweaty face, “Do you know what I want?” he asked.

“What?” Mom questioned.

“A popsicle.” He mumbled, resting his face on the toilet seat.

“A popsicle?” I said slowly.

“Yeah,” he answered, “Those purple ones we used to eat when we were younger.”

“Where are we supposed to get those?” I asked.

“There’s a drug store on the corner.” Mom replied standing up.

Reaching into her bra she pulled out a large wad of singles and fives, counting out ten dollars before handing it to me.

“So you want me to walk alone to the store at midnight to get purple popsicles.

“Please Michael.” Mason mumbled, before gagging again.

“Fine,” I said quickly, turning away in disgust.

Making my way over to the bed I pulled on my jacket, shoes and a beanie before slipping the money in my pocket and starting out in search of purple popsicles.

The night was surprisingly cold, windy and very dark. The streets were filled with the bright lights of passing cars, however the sidewalks were empty. Walking with my hands in my pockets and my head bowed so as not to draw attention to myself I walked quickly to the small drug store on the corner.

Walking into the dimly lit store I was startled by the bell that rang above my head as I entered. Glancing around nervously I found a rather plump woman sitting behind the cash register reading one of those cheesy romance novels with the bare-chested long haired guy on the cover.

“Hi.” I greeted.

Glancing up at me, she gave me a half hearted nod before turning back to her book.

Sighing I walked to the back of the store where the freezer items were kept. After a moment of looking I located the popsicles.

Tucking the box under my arm I started back towards the front of the store, I was walking through the hair dye aisle when I was startled by a voice from behind me.

“Hey dude, can I ask you a question?”

Turning around I found a girl about my age standing behind me. She was small and slender, and extremely pale. Her startling blue eyes were circled by heavy eyeliner, she was purple wearing pajamas and her hair, which was damp as if she had just gotten out of the shower was a startlingly pink color.

“Um, sure,” I said slowly.

“Cool,” she said happily, shooting me a crooked toothed smile before holding up two boxes of hair dye, “Black or red?”

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