Having your period around him

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Eisuke (bitchy)

You were sorta, how do I put this nicely...


As soon as you opened your mouth Eisuke new instantly what was going on and he found it HILARIOUS. He was having a hard time breathing it was so bad! When you heard him laughing your exact response was "FUCKING WHAT NOW MR. ICHINOMIYA FINALLY GOT YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, Jesus Christ with this man." Causing Eisuke to laugh harder and everyone else to be scared or freaked out.

Whether it was you yelling or Eisuke actually laughing, we'll never know.

Soryu (emotional & open)

You and Soryu would be having a normal conversation, and when he says something that might upset you, make you mad or even make you happy you'd let him know, like an open book!

An open book that's crying...

You were just an emotional mess! You see a butterfly, you would start crying and tell him how happy that made you! You were just an open book for anyone to read. He sorta just figured but never really asked to awkward and uncomfortable.

Baba (normal)

He had no idea you were on it. You acted totally normal, like nothing different just going through your day. It wasn't until later when you asked him to pick you up (preferred feminine product) did he realize. Him being such a 'lady's man' knew how women could act and might feel. After paying attention to you, he was totally impressed that the only difference he noticed was the way you ate.

And that barely changed!

So you just continue your day liStay normal! Except that one time with the knife... we don't talk about that time... ever.

Ota (clingy & needy)

If his attention was on anything for more than 5 minutes your there to steal his attention. If he goes to the bathroom for too long then you knocking on the door asking to come in if he's talking to someone you'll jump in the conversation but only directing it at him.

He had NO idea what was going on. He just thought he's been busy with work and his Koro missed him. But on the third day of the period and him not having work, and you STILL like that, he realized what it probably was. So he just straight up asked. You answered still cuddling him and still not letting go.

Mamoru (sleepy (Y/n))

Yes, Mamoru had some experience with lady's and had somewhat of an idea of how to deal with them. But he was not prepared for you, he was expecting you to be all moody and whiney whenever he talked to you. BUT HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A CHANCE TO TALK TO YOU!

At first, he thought this was a trick, cause you were so easy to deal with. If you weren't sleeping than you were super sweet and trying to finish work early so you could sleep. But then he realized how hard it was, you slept a lot, in fact too much. It got to the point to where he thought you were dying. He had to wake you up to eat check to see if you had to go to the bathroom you NEEDED someone to check on you, or else you'd probably starve.

Eito (bipolar)

He had NO idea what was going on. You were the most bipolar bitch in the world. One minute you were cuddling him and enjoying talking and then the next he sneezes and you're calling him an asshole for interrupting the conversation. Of course, only being 18 you were still somewhat new to this whole period thing too. A couple of minutes later you'd be begging for forgiveness. After he went home he called up Hinata asking what the hell was with that knowing it was probably your menstrual cycle and Hinata confirmed laughing at the way you acted.


I tried to make it as varied as possible. I'm a mix between Soryu and Baba 😂

But I hope you enjoyed and please leave request! Stay Gold~

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