When the lights go out

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-This chapter is about a family member that i lost to suicide last year. And i feel i need to get my emotions out about her. So yeah..thanks-

I would have given anything to keep you.

I remember your eyes.

I remember your voice.

I remember how i didnt see you for 2 years before you were gone forever.

How is it so hard to make a life;

and to take it away can happen with one bang.

And instead of happiness when a baby is born..

It was sadness when someone was lost.

I just wish you could feel what it did to me.

My heart split.

If tear drops could be bottled...

I would have gallons.

I miss you.

I just want to get over you.

But i never will.

Its..its so hard.

They say when art is broken, its just more unique now..

If so my heart is the most unique thing on the earth.

My eyes are the rain.

My cheeks are the land.

Nothing is left after the flood.

You promised...you wouldn't leave.

I guess..

Promises are meant to be broken.

Prove me wrong....


'promises are meant to be broken'

-the broken hearts club <\3

Reddened eyesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя