Stalking Our Friends

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Aim's POV

"Why are we following them?" Oak mutters, "They said they were going to pick up their boyfriends. Why can't we go to lunch first? They will meet us there." I want to know that, too. I have my girlfriend, but she wanted to come with Maprang and Prae to snoop.

Maprang slaps Oak on the back of the head, "Because!"

"That is not a reason," I groan. May stops in front of me before she turns and glares at me. I hold up my hands in surrender. Guess we are stalking our friends that I just told off. Yay me!

"Because they are picking up their boyfriends," Prae growls at Oak and me.

I know they are going to go pick up their boyfriends. P'Bright basically threatened them to do that. Now that I think of it, so did I. Wow, I am kind of proud of myself. I look at May, who just cuffed me on the side of the head.

"Why did you do that?" I whined, rubbing my head.

"You were having weird thoughts," May snaps. What the hell? What does she think I was thinking about?

"I was not," I snap back. "What kind of weird thoughts do you think I am having anyway?"

"Nevermind. Come on, we are going to miss it," May mutters as she grabs my hand, dragging down the hall.

"Miss what?" I whine. Seriously why are we all going to watch my friends pick up their boyfriends? I have seen my friends enough today.

We catch up to Maprang, Prae, and Oak, staring around a corner. I look at them as I start to go around the corner. Maprang grabs hold of my backpack and hauls me back behind the corner.

"What the hell, Maprang?" I say as I shake her off.

"What are you doing?" Prae hisses.

"Going to the classroom," I state the obvious. The girls have crossed their arms and are shaking their heads at me. I am confused. I thought we were going to watch them pick up their boyfriend. This is what happens when you let girls drag you about.

"Isn't that why we came," I hear Oak ask and look down, seeing him on the floor peaking around the corner.

"Why are you down there?" I ask.

"No room up there," Oak says, pointing up, "Maprang has already elbowed the crap out of me. Safer down here."

Why am I here again? May gives me a look. I know that look, and I hate that look.

"OK, I will lurk with you behind the corner like a crazy stalker," I groan, kneeling next to Oak, like hell will I get elbowed by Maprang.

Wad's POV

I look at Kong, who is leaning against the wall next to me. As soon as P'Bright messaged, we all came to the classroom. Our boyfriends were at and waited.

"Do you think he would really ban us from seeing our boyfriends?" Jett asks as he looks at the time on his phone.

"Honestly?" Tew starts, "Yes, I think he would, but I don't know how he would pull it off."

"I wouldn't underestimate him," Kong sighs. "He has already proven he is not what he appears." I have to agree with Kong.

Looking at Jett, I sincerely hope he doesn't hurt P'Tutah. There is no telling what P'Bright would do. I know all of us to remember when he flew over the table to attack P'Win, and that happened years ago.

"Hey, Ai'Jett," I call.

"Yeah," Jett replies looking at me.

"I know we are not dating experts," I smile. "I am painfully aware of that, but you know that you can talk to us about stuff, right?"

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now