15 3 4

Save as 'Whore' ?
yes / no

Jugyeong : hey whore , what's up?

Whore : why r u disturbing me??????????????????


jugyeong : but you act like one

Jugyeong : then tell me your name

Whore : not my real name but just save it as johnny

Jugyeong : wait ! i think i recognized smth!

Jugyeongtry to send me a picture , i think i know you!

Johnny pov

i read her text message and get confused.  wht does she know about me?

"what are you doing? " winwin come toward me try to peek at my phone . "You are so busy body" i told him while winwin make a face. "i am telling other that you got a..." he stood up and still make the annoying face.

"its nobody winnie the pooh" i teased him. he make his duck face and yeet still annoyed me.

"just kidding, i know its nobody"
he laughed at my panic face. "i need to go now" he patted my shoulder and left me alone.

end of pov


Jugyeong : hey? you gone silent since 1 hour ago.

Whore : nothing

Save as Johnny?
yes / no

Jugyeong : so, send me your photo . i think i know you

Jugyeong : if you don't want to send i can send your picture

Johnny : How you got my photo?

Jugyeong : who doesn't know you?

Johnny : shit, you who i am????!

Jugyeong : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Johnny : You fucking creep me out

Jugyeong : wait



Johnny : where r u?

Johnny :  u haven't tell me how u know me.

Johnny : so you r chatting with me on purpose?  because u know who i am?

Johnny : k, bye


Jugyeong : sorry boi , my phone out of battery

Johnny : k

Jugyeong : do u still want to know how i get know u?

Johnny : its ok , i know i am hot

Jugyeong :

Jugyeong : oops, i accidentally took a photo

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Jugyeong : oops, i accidentally took a photo . i should delete it

Johnny : shutthefuckoff

Jugyeong : kbye

Johnny : my photo!!!!

Jugyeong : here, its u

wrong number / johnnyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant